Finally, A Diagnosis That Makes Sense of My Life — Bipolar II Disorder

15 million people suffered from this mental illness in 2017

Kathy K
Inside NeuroDivergence


Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash

My entire life has been one of upset and trauma. No, not the kind of trauma that you’d expect, but mental anguish, thoughts and beliefs about myself that persisted and troubled me continually. There would be several days in a row where severe depression to the point of extreme isolation consumed me. Dark places and books were my only friend. Those few days were spent in mental self-infliction and anguish. And it seemed that there was no end in sight as the cycle continued, over and over and over again.

But there was an end to the suffering, for a time. Coming out of the depression was anything but gradual. Like Chicken Little falling out of the sky, my mind was filled with ideas for projects, new and old. There was endless energy, motivation, and drive. Confidence to the point of arrogance. On top of the world, nothing could knock me down off my self-made pedestal.

Until the next depressive episode hit me. All it took to bring me down was a word, a look, an imagined snub.

And so the cycle went on and on, ever since I can remember. As a child, teen, young adult, during the first marriage in which I was widowed, and now in my second marriage. There has…



Kathy K
Inside NeuroDivergence

I write about mental health and fiction, mostly dystopian. Imaginatively unusual is preferable but not always possible for me.