I’m Listening to This Channel on YouTube

about neurodivergence, stories and articles read by Micheal Woodruff

Kathy K
Inside NeuroDivergence


screenshot of Affect a Change YouTube channel Neurodivergent Stories
Micheal Woodruff’s YouTube Channel. Subscribe, Like and Comment — stories read by Micheal Woodruff about neurodivergence. Click on the image to go there. Screenshot by author.

Introducing stories read by Affect a Change on YouTube. Have you heard of the terminology of neurodivergence? It’s really a very interesting and controversial topic. This short video will take you to Micheal Woodruff’s YouTube channel where you can subscribe, like, and comment.

This may look and sound like sci-fi, but neurodivergence is a real concept that affects between 20 to 40% of the world’s population. Anyone that has been diagnosed with a mental condition is considered neurodivergent. They think and act differently than the majority of typical people, or you could say neurotypical.

The Neurodivergence Movement is widespread and growing. Micheal Woodruff’s YouTube channel is dedicated to looking at those with autism, bipolar, ADHD, dyslexia, anxiety, depression and many more. True stories, thoughtful articles. You might be surprised at what you learn! See you there!

screenshot of Affect a Change YouTube channel Neurodivergent Stories
Micheal Woodruff’s YouTube Channel. Subscribe, Like and Comment — stories read by Micheal Woodruff about neurodivergence. Click on the image to go there. Screenshot by author.



Kathy K
Inside NeuroDivergence

I write about mental health and fiction, mostly dystopian. Imaginatively unusual is preferable but not always possible for me.