Biden Is The Kinder, Gentler Trump

Elle Beau ❇︎
Inside of Elle Beau
8 min readMar 10, 2020


And that’s why I think he could be the one to beat him

Joe Biden from Wikipedia

People don’t necessarily vote for what is smart, or in their best interests. They certainly don’t vote for the person with the best plan. They vote for the person who connects with them on a visceral level; something that they can’t quite explain or are even consciously aware of. Maybe Joe Biden isn’t who you think of when I say that. He’s not exactly charismatic. In fact, he represents the status quo, but that’s exactly what makes him so electable. Like Trump, he represents the traditional patriarchal dominance hierarchy, and a lot more people respond to that then you might want to believe. It’s how Trump got into the White House in the first place.

Donald Trump nakedly champions this stratified pyramid of power that comes right out of the early 1960s, as well as the might makes right social Darwinism that goes with it. That actually appeals to a lot of people, even if only subconsciously, because it feels familiar, and therefore comfortable. As a rich, white man, Trump represents the elite apex of that pyramid as well, but so does Joe Biden. In many ways, Biden also stands for the same hierarchy that Trump does, albeit in a less abrasive way, and that is why I think he just might be able to win against him.



Elle Beau ❇︎
Inside of Elle Beau

Social scientist dispelling cultural myths with research-driven stories. "Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge." ~ Carl Jung