I Know I Don’t Look Like a Man

But some guys keep calling me ‘sir’ anyway

Elle Beau ❇︎
Inside of Elle Beau


Image property of the author

Yesterday I took a short Uber ride to an appointment. The driver knew my name from the request for his services and I have a very clearly feminine first name. He saw me walk down out of my house with C cup breasts and carrying a robin’s egg blue bag. He talked to me the entire 10 minute trip, and we had a very friendly and congenial conversation. He frequently looked at me in his rear-view mirror, where I appeared very much as I do in the photo above.

As I got out of the car the driver said, “Have a good day, sir.”

This isn’t the first time that a man has called me sir. In fact, lately it’s been happening at least once a month. I started to wonder if my new shorter hair cut was to blame, but c’mon, lots of women have short hair and I honestly don’t think it makes me look masculine. Do you? These guys often realize their mistake right away, and are embarrased. The Uber driver clearly was. I’m too nice to make a big thing of it but I really would like to ask, “Why did you just say that?”

Usually it happens when someone isn’t really looking directly at me. I’m tall (just over 6 feet) and have short hair which I guess kind of reads as a man if you aren’t really paying attention, but what about the ones who have access to my name, and are looking…



Elle Beau ❇︎
Inside of Elle Beau

Social scientist dispelling cultural myths with research-driven stories. "Thinking is difficult, that’s why most people judge." ~ Carl Jung