Introducing The B2B Messaging Course (totally free)

Luciana Arrieta
Inside Olivine
Published in
5 min readMar 30, 2023

The B2B Messaging Course is brought to you by Olivine & Wynter. In this totally free (but incredibly valuable) video course, you’ll learn positioning and messaging — the cornerstone of marketing strategy. Watch the lessons, take the exam, and get certified.

👋 Hey there,

Arielle Shnaidman here, Director of Product Marketing at Olivine. I’m psyched to announce that we teamed up with Wynter to create *The* B2B Messaging Course.

Peep, Rae, and I really get B2B messaging but we noticed there wasn’t a single, comprehensive resource out there to help GTM teams get messaging right. Tough markets often bring people back to basics and we think (ahem, know) messaging is the backbone of any marketing strategy.

Doing positioning and messaging well is hard — it takes time to get to the crux of things. Oftentimes, companies have all this knowledge living in different people’s heads, but they don’t have the blueprint for how to bring it together and apply it thoughtfully as a strategy, step by step. Rae, Peep, and I are confident this course can be that blueprint for you.

Here’s a highlight reel of what you can expect from the course:

A comprehensive B2B messaging course from folks who’ve actually done it

The course has two modules and 50 video lessons in total.

We’re excited to share The B2B Messaging Course for free to elevate product marketing and help companies meaningfully differentiate themselves so they can take their products to market successfully. On Olivine’s side, we have a hard-hitting team. Rae and I have worked on positioning, messaging, and GTM strategy for well-known public companies, including ServiceNow, Envoy, Twilio, to up-and-coming startups poised to be the next big thing.

Wynter’s founder, Peep Laja, is pretty much the OG when it comes to messaging optimization and he’s the founder of CXL, Speero, and now Wynter.

TLDR: The three of us have been at this for a long time and until now, haven’t taken the time to distill our learnings soup to nuts in a digestible way for a wider audience. The course is filled with our hard-won lessons and the processes we’ve developed and refined over years to create strong messaging for B2B companies.

Testing messaging is good, but iterating from a strong foundation is great

You can throw spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks, or you can be thoughtful about what people want to order and create the right pasta dishes, making small recipe tweaks along the way. Olivine definitely believes in the latter.

Spending the time to gather knowledge, question the status quo, drive internal alignment, and produce a new framing that people feel confident in makes message testing a lot more productive, efficient, and useful. You’re dialing in on what your key value props are and how they resonate with different personas, which is much more effective than making up copy on the fly and seeing if it works.

Messaging is the backbone of all marketing — act accordingly

Here’s the thing: when you treat messaging as the foundation of your marketing, you’ll naturally shift from being reactive to proactive (and dare I say, strategic). Rather than reacting to what competitors are doing or low conversions on a campaign, it’s about zooming out and thinking holistically about your positioning and messaging — going through the key steps that bring you to the story only you can tell.

Startups naturally want to move fast, but speeding through and skipping over key elements to get to your messaging is a mistake. It’s one of those initiatives where you need to slow down to speed up. Invest the time, energy, and resources up front to see the ROI you want.

The other piece here is product marketing is certainly having a moment. A lot of people are getting into product marketing and a lot of companies are starting to see the need for and hire for it. Most people find their way into product marketing by accident, coming from content, product, sales, and more. Many are learning as they go, which means they often don’t have all or the right frameworks and processes at their disposal to be truly successful with messaging. And if you believe like we do that messaging is the backbone of all marketing, that’s a risky place a lot of product marketers and companies may find themselves in.

We want to change that.

Knowing how to communicate the value of what you have to offer is table stakes to succeed in the market.

I like to think of product marketing and messaging as both an art and a science. The art piece perhaps comes more with experience and chances at bat, but the science — the variables that go into the equation — can be learned by anyone at any level. Knowing the science gives you the container and confidence to “play” and develop your art form. This course is the science.

Everyone on the GTM team should know how to communicate the value of what they have to offer. Especially in tough markets with fewer resources, people and companies have less to hide behind. It’s back to basics: do your prospects understand what you do, who it’s for, and the value you provide? How you’re different? If you’ve grown to multiple products or solutions, is your platform story clear and resonant?

If your answer to any of these questions wasn’t a “hell yes”, we invite you to watch The B2B Messaging Course, take the exam, and get certified in messaging to crush your marketing strategy.



Luciana Arrieta
Inside Olivine

Operations Associate at Olivine Marketing, I bring a proactive and curious approach to managing day-to-day operations, data management, and SEO optimization.