Introducing Odds On VC

Matt Hayes
Inside PJC
Published in
2 min readMar 5, 2021

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Today I am excited to announce Odds On VC, a student led venture fund that is giving students the ability to learn about venture capital by investing in their peers. The difference between Odds On VC and other student led venture funds is that we are targeting college campuses where there are traditionally fewer opportunities for students to learn about venture capital. This is exciting to us because we believe that innovation is everywhere, and we hope that Odds On VC can facilitate more of it.

The Odds On VC program will run from September to May each year. During the program student investors will have the opportunity to invest in their peers, examine markets that they believe to be interesting, and interact with successful founders from outside of their university campuses.

Our first cohort of investors includes Julia Parker, Sanjeev Musuvathy, and Max Always-Townsend who represent schools such as UNC, Boston College, and George Washington University. It’s been a pleasure working with each of these folks thus far and I am very excited for what the future has in store for Odds On VC.

If you are interested in learning more about the program or becoming a student investor shoot us a note at

