Now printing Apple Live Photos.

Every day, Pops users are printing their Boomerangs. Starting today, they can print another great format: Live Photos.

Paul-Antoine Campos
Inside Pops
2 min readJul 24, 2017


Live Photos selection on Pops.

Launched in September 2015, Live Photos are becoming more popular everyday. For those of who are not familiar with it, Live Photos are static pictures which suddenly come to life when you touch them. With iOS 11, Apple is making Live Photos even better. Users will be able to edit and add effects to Live Photos (Loop, Bounce and Long exposure) making this fun feature… funnier.

Today, we are happy to announce that Live Photos can now live on paper. Pops latest version allows every user to access its Live Photos album, select its best Live Photos and print them all! We keep the video section of Live Photos and turn it into live prints. Thanks to our lenticular printing technique, we bring motion from digital to paper. It’s Live Photos. For real. In your hands.

Our goal is to make live prints a new iconic product. Our mission is to turn any moving picture/short videos into moving prints. We started with Boomerang. Now, Live Photos. What’s coming next? You’ll see. There is more to come 😇

Download the latest version of Pops here.

Live Photos printed on Pops.

