Your Team Is Asset, Treat Them Well

Fijar Lazuardy
Inside PPL B7
Published in
3 min readMay 11, 2020

What’s worse than a very hard group project? A group project with a messed up team. That’s why, your team need to be managed, treated, and coordinate well. And what you actually need to do to manage your team? And I also will explain how our team (B7) in this PPL course is managed.

If you can’t manage people, you can’t manage.

Life as a manager is challenging, and what works in one team, or with one individual, rarely applies to all.

The key to managing well is understanding people.

You need to know what makes them tick, what motivates them, and when and how they’re at their most productive.

That’s often easier said than done.

You also can’t neglect your own motivations and development, as career progression doesn’t stop when you reach that coveted management role.

Now i’m gonna share some tips to make your team feel appreciated and bring the most out of them

1. Be interested

Get to know your team, and we mean really know them.

Who do they live with, what’s their family background, what’s their dog’s name?

Ask questions, listen to the answers, and remember details.

Find out about their life outside of work, what’s important to them, and then do what you can to recognize and protect it.

Often the smallest gestures can have the greatest impact.

2. Be approachable

Talk to your team every day, even if it’s just a ‘Good morning, how are you today?

Always be in touch, be accessible and approachable.

Be one of the team, don’t set yourself above them, or ask them to do things you wouldn’t. Make time for them, make it clear that you care about their ideas and experiences at work, that you value their work and their input.

3. Admit your mistakes

People make mistakes, that’s what makes human, human. Trying to appear perfect implies you expect perfection from your team, and nobody can live up to that.

Be honest and set an example.

Never pass the blame down the hierarchy to try to appear infallible — whether they’re brave enough to say it or not, your team will know if something was your fault. Don’t lose their respect by shirking responsibility; show them how to own mistakes, learn from them and move forward.

There are also some things that we applied for our group, such as

1. Never force people

The best time to get our work done is by not forcing ourselves, that’s why in our group, we never force our teammates to get his/her work done. People get through different problems everyday, especially in this quarantine time, and it’s natural if someone feel exhausted because of it. That’s why if our teammates are feeling too tired to do his/her work, we would let them rest for a while, as long as he/she get the work done in time.

2. Help Them With Your Best

Our teammates might not be the best programmer, or the best UI designer, it’s reasonable if they might face some difficulty doing things that are not their expertise, and it’s a must for us to help them with our best. Like in our group, as I am the one who knows about Java environment pretty well, I will help them with my best if my teammates facing ones.

3. Make Good Memories Together

The best team is a team that share both joy and difficulty together as well as facing them. That’s why besides sharing difficulty and try to face them together, we should also share joy with them. That’s why in we sometimes hang out together before this quarantine and share funny stories together in this quarantine times. That makes our bond even stronger and make our team better.

We might not be a team with the best programming skill, but we are a team that always try to understand and care each other, and I wouldn’t ask for more

