Why associations should use SilkStart? It comes down to three core things — functionality, price, and support.

Inside SilkStart


We know switching software providers can be painful so I created this post to help you quickly and easily decide why you should use SilkStart.

To help make the decision making process easier for you, we took some insights from a Capterra survey. In it, Capterra surveyed associations to determine a) the top things associations look for when picking a software solution for the first time, and b) the top things association’s looks for when they consider switching software vendors.

We combined these into a single list and elaborated on how SilkStart addresses each of them.

The top 3things associations look for in association management software:

  1. Functionality/Features: We offer one of the broadest ranges of features. This includes mobile friendly websites and member interface, a job board, donations, and multi-chapter, which are often paid add-ons or not at all available elsewhere. Plus we’re constantly building new features.

2. Price: While not the cheapest product in the market, we pride ourselves on offering the best value. Some customers find it hard to believe that you can get a better product at a lower price, but SilkStart uses the latest technologies to offer a full featured product with the lowest overhead.

3. Support: We have a dedicated customer and technical support team that knows our product inside and out, and who will get to know you and your organization. They provide prompt, friendly, and effective support to you whenever you need it.

We know picking association management software is a big decision, and we’re here to help you every step of the way, from pre-sales to on-boarding to ongoing support. To learn more about howSilkStart can help your organization, sign up for a trial account or get in touch.

