The Chaplin’s World mobile app, taking good care of its users

Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2018

A digital “tour guide” is not only an innovative mediation tool, particularly suited to appeal to new audiences. It can be a real adjuvant for all visitors, as the mobile app makes it easier to prepare their visit and, on site, to make it more pleasant and in accordance with their expectations. Here is an anthology of good practices with “Chaplin’s World” by Grévin.

The mobile app takes into account several times of visit

Visiting a place or a monument rarely starts at its feet. To make the most of their trip, visitors anticipate and prepare it. Verification of opening hours, entrance fees, ongoing events and even attendance at the establishment at a specific time is standard practice prior to the visit.

The Compagnie des Alpes has understood this well: its app Chaplin’s World takes into account this preparation time, which is sometimes decisive for enjoying the outing. From the app, the visitor can learn how to get to Ban Mansion, based on his or her means of transportation. He/She can also consult the schedules and prices of the establishment and, of course, buy his/her ticket, all that without leaving the mobile app.

An uncertainty, a question? The Chaplin’s World teams are easily accessible. The email address of the place is highlighted in each of the pages related to this practical information.

The digital “tour guide” offers new, easily accessible content

A few weeks ago, we talked about the importance of offering several ways to access the same content, adapted to different visitor behaviors.

Once again, Chaplin’s World applies good practices. Visitors can access information via a list of POIs, by locating those POIs on a geolocated map or, more traditionally, by entering the cartel numbers in the app. Thus, everyone is satisfied, including those who are nostalgic of the audioguide. 🙂

The Chaplin’s World app presents a real added value compared to the classic visit tour. The Compagnie des Alpes benefits from the digital technology: the app gives access to exclusive content, including many personal photographs of Charlie Chaplin. Far from being redundant or replacing traditional mediation, digital “tour guide” gives the visit an extra dimension, which can only be taken care of by itself.

A visitor who shares his visit is a happier visitor

According to a recent study, visitors who report on their visit on the Internet say they are mostly more satisfied with their visit than those who do not share it. The good idea to encourage this behavior: integrate into the mobile app “sharing buttons” on social networks.

It’s the case in Chaplin’s World. Several buttons allow access to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts of Ban’s Mansion but also to connect to these networks to share your own experience of visiting. In the same way, a direct access to the camera is integrated into the app, an obvious invitation to immortalize your visit with a selfie. In doing so, Chaplin’s World shows not only its understanding of new habits but also its ability to adapt to changes in the practices of its visitors. That’s a good example of integrating new behaviors into an institution’s policy.

What’s more, cultural and tourist sites have very good reasons to encourage their public to share their visit, as these publications of individuals inspire confidence and contribute to strengthening the image that the institution wants to give.

No need to have thousands of followers to help change the perception of an institution. Each visitor has his own circle of influence, with whom he plays the role of ambassador for the visited establishment. Voices of individuals accumulate and contribute to shaping the image of cultural and tourist institutions. It is therefore essential to take them into account and promote their expression. That’s exactly what Chaplin’s World does for Ban’s mansion. 👍




smartapps accompagne les sites culturels et touristiques dans l'adaptation de leurs outils de #médiation aux nouveaux usages des #publics. #Musée #Digital #App