Lessons from the field — internship at SquareOne

Inside SquareOne
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2023

An interview with Visiting Analyst Laurenz

As Visiting Analyst, Laurenz was an integral part of the team for three months: identifying and evaluating investment opportunities, conducting due diligence on potential investments, and supporting portfolio companies. Here are some first-level insights from Laurenz.

What was a typical day like for you at SquareOne?

Every day was different. My days were filled with researching and analyzing potential investments, meeting with entrepreneurs and industry experts, and working on various projects and initiatives. Besides, the typical VC tasks I was also given the freedom to take on responsibilities and explore areas of interest. I dived deep into energy tech to support our investment process on selected deals and provide internal research on the market. I also attended several networking events related to Venture Capital, and specifically climate tech in Berlin, allowing me to make valuable connections in the industry that will last well beyond the internship. During my time the venture capital fund also rebranded from Paua Ventures to SquareOne.

How was it to experience such a rebranding?

It was definitely a unique experience to be a part of the rebranding process. While the name and branding of the firm changed, the focus on investing in early-stage technology companies remained the same. I believe the rebranding was a great initiative, as this allowed us to refresh our identity and better align with our mission and values. It was also a great opportunity for me to be involved in the process and see how a successful rebranding can be executed.

What were your major obstacles during your time at SquareOne?

One of the major challenges I faced during my time at SquareOne was adjusting to the freedom and autonomy I had in my role. Coming from internships at consultancies where I was given specific tasks to complete, I was used to a more structured work environment. At SquareOne, I had to take initiative and find my own projects and areas of focus. It was a bit of a learning curve at first, but I adapted and began to thrive in this environment. I learned how to manage my time effectively and take ownership of my responsibilities, which helped me grow both personally and professionally. While it was initially a challenge, I ultimately found the freedom and autonomy at SquareOne to be one of the most rewarding aspects of my time there.

Do you have any insights or advice for others considering a similar role or path?

As a venture capital firm, SquareOne specializes in early-stage investments in B2B tech startups. If you’re considering a role in venture capital or looking to explore a particular industry or topic, I would highly recommend it. The freedom to take on responsibilities and pursue your interests, combined with the support and guidance of a talented team, creates a unique and rewarding learning environment. My experience at SquareOne has been an invaluable part of my professional growth and I am grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of the team.

What’s next for you after your time at SquareOne?

Next month I will go to Bocconi in Milan for my semester abroad. After that, I’ll be backpacking through Southeast Asia — continuing the travels I had to cut short because of Covid. In particular, I will take a closer look at Vietnam, which was one of my personal favorites during my last trip. After my travels, I plan to finish my studies in Mannheim and join McKinsey, where I already did an internship last summer that I really enjoyed.

Thanks for your great support and for being part of the Squad, Laurenz!

