Welcome Charly!

Charlotte Baumhauer
Inside SquareOne
Published in
2 min readFeb 17, 2021

We are really excited to share the addition of a new member to our investment team — welcome Charlotte Baumhauer!! Charly joined the Paua Rangers in November and has since then brought lots of female grit into our (remote) office. 🚀👩

Before joining, Charly worked at McKinsey as a consultant in the operations practice. Her projects focused on lean operations, supply chain transformations, and digital manufacturing. She spent most of her time working in the factories of automotive, semiconductor, and chemical companies, where she was often spotted around the shop floor wearing a boiler suit and safety shoes. 👷 The time at McKinsey was great but Charlotte now wants to work more hands on and dive deep into technological topics. Paua is the perfect place for her to do this and work closely together with founders.

She grew up in Paris and Munich and graduated in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College London. She has a strong interest in all engineering and tech topics, especially manufacturing and machine learning.

Two years ago she moved to Berlin and is loving it so far. On a related note, the Paua Team also moved location this year and you can now find us at the beautiful Rosa-Luxembourg Platz in the heart of Mitte. Once this Corona madness is over, we are happy to welcome you when we will finally throw our house-warming & welcome-charly party. ❤️

If you want to to talk about a new idea, your startup or just chat about exciting B2B tech topics, definitely drop her an e-mail: 📧 charlotte@pauaventures.com

