Going beyond the scope of their job descriptions to give refugees access to technology

Gina Beach
Inside SumUp
Published in
5 min readFeb 9, 2021

We all want to make a difference. But sometimes, life gets busy and we lack the time or resources to commit. That’s why SumUp encourages and supports SumUppers to work on projects unrelated to their job title. By granting time and the necessary resources to these projects, any company can make a significant difference in the lives of many. This way, the question is no longer when or if you can do something good, it’s what kind of good you’ll do.

SumUp computer donation
Shai Tayeb donating to Refugio

For Shai Tayeb, Event Manager Europe and Caio Tebet, Senior Compliance Business Partner Analyst, the answer was sitting right in front of them. Computers. More specifically, donating computers to those who need them. “Companies are constantly changing their computer stocks and upgrading to newer versions or brands. Since I have a lot of contacts from events, I reached out to Caio to see if we could collect some unused computers to donate,” explained Shai.

The next step was to decide where exactly to make such a donation. Shai reflected on his time in Berlin to identify one big underlying need. Technology for displaced folks arriving from abroad. “I was well aware that refugees were arriving in Berlin even through the pandemic. I also knew that many in-person language classes had been cancelled or moved online. Obviously, for those with computers, this isn’t a huge impact. But for refugees, it was the difference between integrating and feeling lost. So donating computers to this group just made sense as it would have an immediate effect on those who really need it.”

Once the decision was made on what and where to donate, Shai and Caio needed to actually obtain machines. Of course, this would require the help of several organisations. Luckily, Shai and Caio are natural people-persons and grassroots organisers. Shai began this quest by approaching SumUp’s Engineering Department to inquire about unused devices. “We involved leadership to get this okayed, which they did instantly. I then contacted my previous employer, Productsup, to ask for some additional devices to ensure the contribution would be as many as possible.”

With 5 new computers in tow, Shai reached out to Refugio, a refugee centre he had previously worked with, to confirm the donation. “We started working on this project during the winter holidays (yes, even during our time off work.) It was only a few weeks of ideation and we were able to collect and deliver the donated computers.”

The refugee shelter and its community were absolutely thrilled to receive such a donation. Shai encourages anyone who has the ability to donate, to do so. “If you take only one thing from this story, take this. If your company has spare machines, please consider donating them. There are hundreds of refugees — kids and young adults — in Berlin that would immediately benefit from a computer. It helps them assimilate faster to their new surroundings and allows them to learn German faster.”

For Caio, being able to take part in a project like this, completely unrelated to his actual job title, says a lot about the company he works for. “I think SumUp’s “We care” value is very clear here. I’d also say that this is proof of our founder’s mentality. The fact that we just had this idea and were given the support and resources to act on it and make it real is huge It’s great to know that we’re part of a company that really cares about people in general and those in need, not just our merchants.

Shai agreed. “SumUp’s goal is to create a world where business owners can succeed in doing what they love. The company has always focused on small, often forgot about, merchants. Our care value goes hand in hand with donation initiatives and giving back to the community. In 2020 alone, SumUp enabled me to donate N95 masks to the elderly home I volunteer for here in Berlin as well as lead a donation matching campaign for Stonewall Grupa in Poland. I love the fact that SumUp enables me to do things outside the realm and scope of my work. I especially love taking part in initiatives that positively contribute to the lives of others in need.”

And although Shai might not have projects like this in his job description, they’re definitely a part of his identity. “Donating and fundraising is something I learned from my parents — who have since passed. They used to host fundraising events for cancer research and so giving back to the community is something deep inside my DNA.”

As the Founder of a non-profit organisation called Equipe Força do Bem in São Paulo, Brazil, Caio is also no stranger to supporting those in need. “We help 103 families in the “favelas” in São Paulo, donating more than 2 tons of food every month. And we help other NPOs that help with the homeless situation and child care for women who don’t have money to pay for daycare services. I’m always looking for donations and volunteers for this project. So if you’re good with social media or have any fundraising ideas, feel free to get in touch”

Caio agrees that at the end of the day, you don’t need to make a big difference to make a difference. “A good tip is to just get up and do it! Even small actions have a great impact. Sometimes we don’t act because of our insecurities, because we think we aren’t good enough. But we are! So get to work. You can do it!”

A huge thank you to Shai and Caio for bringing this project to life, to Productsup for its generous donation, to SumUp for empowering us all to do better for the world and to Refugio for fighting the good fight.

Want to donate time or money to those in need in Berlin? Check out how you can help here.

