The better half!

Kamel Abu-Eisheh
Inside SumUp
Published in
2 min readMar 7, 2022
Meet Shania, Nicole, Paz, Nivetha, Fen and Caja — some of the inspiring women of SumUp.

Today we celebrate Julia, Gergana, Caja, Patrycja, Kaisa, Shania, Paz, Fen, Nicole, Nivetha, Jelena, Sarah, Natalia and many other great women that I’m lucky to be working with every day in SumUp. On the International Women’s Day occasion, I would like to share my experiences and express my endless gratitude to them.

Every day they demonstrate the mastery of their crafts — they champion empathy, resilience and bring our SumUp value of “We Care” to life! As product managers, shine as they lead their squads, as engineers, bring our hardware products to life, as designers create the most awesome user experience and as recruiters build the all-star teams.

A few weeks ago, I met with the women in leadership in the People Team to better understand what matters to them the most when it comes to their engagement. Their passion for making SumUp a great family-friendly place to work was top of mind for them. They lead by example, and their candour is exemplary. Like always, I learn immensely from them, and they inspire me to be a better person every day. One lesson that resonated with me is that vulnerability is power and always believing that people do things with good intentions.

I’m proud to be part of an organisation that puts diversity, inclusion and belonging as the main pillar defining its culture. A big part of the company OKRs this quarter is to address gender pay parity and having targets on women hiring in leadership roles.

For my part, I will do my best to raise awareness and celebrate my colleagues as we all work together to #BreakTheBias in 2022.

I grew up hearing that “Women are half of the society”, and the older I got, the more I realised they are the better half!

Happy International Women’s Day!

Ready to do more that matters? Check out our open positions here.

