Introducing the Bubble Pioneers Program

Alex Bolanos
[OLD] Bubble Blog
Published in
5 min readOct 17, 2019

Hello from the Bubble team! Today we are excited to launch a new community program designed to inspire and support you, our users, and all the wonderful things you are building on Bubble! This new initiative will mark a big next step towards realizing our vision of a world where all individuals have the power to create the technology that solves the problems that affect them.

Our community has been a powerhouse supporter for our continuous growth and development. Whether it is through exchanges of ideas and Q&A on the forum, content creation like educational videos or blogs, the creation of agencies, or simply word of mouth evangelization, you have all shown us the passion and excitement it takes to lead this movement and ignite change.

To show our appreciation, we are committed to making a concerted effort to support the work that you have all been doing, work that has not gone unnoticed. The Bubble Pioneers Program is our way of identifying and supporting the Bubble community leaders across the globe who are furthering our mission of democratizing tech with Bubble, and giving them additional tools to build and manage these communities.

Bubble Pioneers Program

We are constantly excited by the inbound requests we receive from users asking for help or support as they share their Bubble experiences with other Bubblers in their communities, companies, schools, or conferences. The “Social / Meetups” category of the forum has proven to be a very popular avenue to communicate and organize in-person meetups among groups of Bubble users, and this program will support those efforts.

We love seeing the excitement and energy from our users, and see the value and importance of sharing and creating in-person experiences for the potential of personal growth and connection.

The Bubble Pioneers Program will partner with our most energetic and passionate users to lead the creation of entrepreneurially focused communities within their hometowns/cities. These communities, will be a home for any individuals that are excited about innovation, building their own ideas, and interested in connecting with like-minded people through their interest in Bubble. Bubble Pioneers will host and lead in-person events focused on bringing valuable content, speakers, and conversations to their communities, and Bubble’s growth team will support in these efforts. They will also be encouraged to bring creative new ideas to engage their communities, customizing their programming for their local members

Through the Bubble Pioneers Program, we will activate and grow our in-person communities of builders and founders around the globe, and with each successful community, we will take one more step closer to realizing our mission of raising awareness of no code solutions and democratizing access to technology for all.

Who would be great Bubble Pioneers?

We are seeking talented Bubblers that are passionate, motivated, energetic, and excited to learn and to help us achieve our mission of democratizing technology. Bubble Pioneers should have:

  • A desire to become a leader within their local communities and Bubble’s growing community of users
  • A self-starter and self-learner attitude
  • A strong grasp of Bubble
  • A people person that loves connecting and collaborating with others
  • Great communication skills
  • Strong organizational skills

What do we expect from Bubble Pioneers?

As a Bubble Pioneer, you will:

  • Build and maintain a network of builders, makers, and tinkerers within your local community
  • Host 1–2 events per quarter within your local community, which can range from Bubble-specific educational workshops, panels to showcase the builders within your community, exclusive speaker dinners, Bubble community-building happy hour. All organized with Bubble’s support and assistance
  • Continue devoting time to your own personal Bubble education, now tapping into resources provided by the Bubble team, the community, and other educational materials developed
  • Continue to be active within our online Bubble community through maintaining a level of activity and contribution on the forum
  • Be available and accessible as a resource of knowledge and advice to Bubble newcomers
  • Proactively and creatively seek out new opportunities for Bubble to increase awareness and adoption

Benefits of being a Bubble Pioneer

As a Bubble Pioneer, you will become a partner to the Bubble team. With such an important role, we want to ensure you feel as closely connected to the team, your peer Bubble Pioneers, and the Bubble community at large. These are a few of the perks you will see as a Bubble Pioneer:

  • Community Recognition. Earn a Bubble Pioneer badge for all our community members to see! Have the opportunity to be featured within Bubble-produced content!
  • Access to the Bubble Pioneers Community. You will be invited to an exclusive Pioneer-only community, filled with discussions with one another and the Bubble team!
  • Become a Partner to the Bubble Team. Get insider access to the Bubble team, product previews, testing, and internal discussions.
  • Event Support. Have Bubble’s growth team ready to offer support in event development and planning. Goodies available to make events extra special!
  • First-Class Support. Get all your questions answered quickly with priority support from the Bubble Success team.
  • Access to Local Tech Events. Bubble will support your own personal growth and learning by making any local events that are of interest to you more accessible!
  • Bubble Swag & Rewards. You will have exclusive access to challenges and rewards to receive swag, rewards, and other surprises.

How do you get involved?

If you’re interested, we would love to hear from you! Fill out the Bubble Pioneer application here. The Bubble team will review all applications on a rolling basis, and will reach out to candidates who appear to be good fits with next steps.

We are very excited to work directly with a select number of Bubble Pioneers, and gradually expand our program and number of Pioneers over time!

If you don’t think that you can apply due to time or fit, but excited about the program, no worries! Tell us where you want to see us here!

Thank you to the whole Bubble community!

We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our community members for the tremendous support over the years! As users, you have all been the best ambassadors, spreading the word about what we are creating, and initiating the movement. We are excited to launch the Bubble Pioneers Program, and we have other ideas that we will introduce down the road, so keep an eye out for more opportunities to come!

