The Automatic User Engagement Booster: Convizit

Benji Schwartz
Inside the Ecosystem
3 min readJan 20, 2019

A Chance Meeting

Last week I visited the Levi Building on the Hebrew University campus in which I was interviewing a company for a blog post. I bumped into Marvin Ngcongo, the Director of the Transdisciplinary Innovation Program at Hebrew University. Marvin introduced me to Daniel Bashari, the co-founder and CEO of a company at the helm of concise data analytics, one that was actually mentioned briefly in this blog before — Convizit.

A Bit of Background

When internet users go on websites today, they leave behind traces of their actions that can help website owners and companies determine how to better cater to their target audiences. Until now, this data has needed to be tracked, tagged, and analyzed by humans to produce meaningful results. But the tech team at Convizit is changing that, bringing in a new age in website analytics.

Convizit: An Intro

The Convizit team has developed a software that is capable of automatically tracking website visitors’ actions. The software captures and analyzes user interactions and extracts insights on behalf of the website owner. It is a way for business owners to effortlessly gain insights on the effectiveness of their various marketing techniques, understand their customers, and increase user engagement. Daniel likes to call the software a “team of virtual data scientists.”

The company was founded in 2015 by Daniel Bashari and her colleague Daniel Plotkin. Both worked in an elite tech unit in the Israeli Defense Forces, and after an Honorable Discharge, used their expertise to bootstrap their way through the development of an early stage startup. In the first stages of the company, Bashari and Plotkin provided personalized solutions for specific companies. This gave them insight into precisely what companies want in website analyzing softwares, which was invaluable as Convizit moved into its next stage of development.

Uses for Website Owners

The software detects trends in various website traffic sources, uncovers correlations between user actions and purchases, and determines the impact of different marketing strategies on website sales. It accomplishes this by using analytical techniques that conduct “anomaly detection, root cause analysis, attribute-behavior correlations, micro-segmentation, predictive analysis, and user journey analysis.”

The applicability of the software is nearly endless, and can dramatically change companies’ content creation plans by giving them precise understanding of their websites’ strengths and weaknesses. Convizit is at the forefront of user engagement software, which is crucial for success in today’s business world. To get in touch with the company, click here.

