How Minor Word Choices Can Make or Break Localization

Word choices matter as they can affect the content's tone, clarity, and relatability. Let’s break down how to choose them wisely.

Novian Dwiputra
Inside The Lab
5 min readMay 29, 2024


How Minor Word Choices Can Make or Break Localization

Having worked in content writing, copywriting, and UX writing, I’ve come to realize how crucial small word choices can be, especially when it comes to localization. Localization isn’t just about translating words from one language to another. It’s about adapting content to fit the cultural, social, and linguistic nuances of a target audience.

I’d like to share some insights and real-world examples to show how minor differences in word choices can alter the effectiveness of communication in localized content.

The Nuances of Word Choices in Localization

Over the years, I’ve learned that localization involves more than direct translation; it requires a deep understanding of the context and subtleties of both the source and target languages. Small word choices can affect the tone, clarity, and relatability of the content. Here are some key aspects where word choices really matter:

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Words and phrases that are neutral in one culture might be offensive or misunderstood in another.
  • Contextual Accuracy: The same word can have different meanings in different contexts, and choosing the wrong one can lead to confusion.
  • Tone and Formality: The level of formality expected in communication varies widely between cultures.
  • Idiomatic Expressions: These often don’t translate directly and require localized equivalents to convey the same meaning.

Example 1: Cultural Sensitivity

Original English Text:

“Join us for a barbecue and enjoy some delicious pork ribs!”

Localized for a predominantly Muslim audience:

“Join us for a barbecue and enjoy some delicious grilled chicken!”

Substituting “pork ribs” with “grilled chicken” demonstrates respect for dietary restrictions prevalent in Muslim communities, ensuring inclusivity and cultural sensitivity.

Example 2: Contextual Accuracy

Original English Text:

“Save now! Our best-selling vacuum cleaner is on sale.”

Localized for a Japanese audience:

“お得なセール!人気の掃除機をお見逃しなく。” (Great sale! Don’t miss our popular vacuum cleaner.)

The term “Save now” was localized to “お得なセール” (otoku na sēru) to emphasize the sale aspect, thereby ensuring contextual accuracy and resonance with Japanese consumers.

Example 3: Tone and Formality

Original English Text:

“Hey there! Grab your discount now!”

Localized for a German audience:

“Hallo! Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihren Rabatt!” (Hello! Secure your discount now!)

Replacing the casual “Hey there!” with the more formal “Hallo!” and “Sichern Sie sich jetzt Ihren Rabatt!” maintains alignment with the formal tone typically expected in German communications.

Example 4: Idiomatic Expressions

Original English Text:

“Don’t miss the boat on this exclusive offer!”

Localized for a Spanish audience:

“¡No dejes escapar esta oferta exclusiva!” (Don’t let this exclusive offer escape.)

Adapting the idiomatic expression “Don’t miss the boat” to “¡No dejes escapar esta oferta exclusiva!” ensures the intended urgency and exclusivity are effectively conveyed in Spanish.

Real-World Examples of Poor Localization

Instances of poor localization underscore the repercussions of overlooked word choices. Here are examples where minor discrepancies led to significant misinterpretations:

Example 1: Pepsi’s Slogan in China

Original English Slogan:

“Pepsi brings you back to life.”

Poor Localization in Chinese:

“百事可乐带你回到前世。” (Pepsi brings your ancestors back from the grave.)

The intended message of revitalization was lost, resulting in a culturally inappropriate connotation.

Example 2: KFC in China

Image taken from

Original English Slogan:

“Finger-lickin’ good.”

Poor Localization in Chinese:

“吃手指好吃。” (Eat your fingers off.)

The slogan’s intended meaning of deliciousness was lost, leading to confusion and a rather unsettling interpretation.

Example 3: Parker Pens in Mexico

Original English Ad:

“It won’t leak in your pocket and embarrass you.”

Poor Localization in Spanish:

“No te embarazará al bolsillo.” (It won’t make you pregnant in your pocket.)

The mistranslation resulted in a complicated and unintended message, highlighting the necessity of precise word choices.

Successful Localization Examples

Successful localization endeavors epitomize the positive impact of meticulous word choices. Here are additional examples:

Example 1: McDonald’s in India

Original English Product Name:

“Big Mac”

Localized for the India market:

“Maharaja Mac”

McDonald’s successfully localized its iconic “Big Mac” for the Indian market by naming it “Maharaja Mac.” This name resonates well with Indian consumers as “Maharaja” means “king” or “emperor” in Hindi, conveying a sense of grandeur and local relevance.

Additionally, McDonald’s adapted the ingredients to respect cultural and dietary preferences, using chicken or vegetarian patties instead of beef.

Example 2: Google in Brazil

Google’s search engine is available in numerous languages, but its localization goes beyond translation. In Brazil, Google’s search results are customized to reflect the Brazilian Portuguese dialect and local content preferences. Google Maps also provides localized information, such as popular landmarks and businesses, to enhance the user experience for Brazilian users.

Example 3: Netflix in Japan

Original English Tagline:

“Watch anywhere, cancel anytime.”

Localized for the Japanese market:

“いつでもどこでも観る、いつでもキャンセル可能。” (Watch anywhere, cancel anytime.)

Netflix effectively localized its tagline to Japanese, ensuring clarity and maintaining the intended message of flexibility and convenience for Japanese subscribers.


The examples presented underscore the profound impact of small word choices in localization. Meticulous attention to cultural, contextual, and linguistic nuances is imperative for effective communication with international audiences.

Final Thoughts

Effective localization requires careful attention to detail and cultural sensitivity. Hiring professional localization services can prevent misunderstandings and help you communicate clearly with people around the world.

Localization isn’t just about translating words; it’s about understanding meaning, context, and culture. Choosing the right words can connect different cultures, while the wrong ones can cause confusion or even offense. As our world becomes more connected, accurate and culturally aware localization is more important than ever.

