8 Psychological Reasons That Make You Attractive

Inside The Mind Of A Writer
5 min readDec 9, 2023

Have you ever wondered what makes certain individuals appear attractive to others? It’s not just about physical appearance; there are profound psychological reasons behind attractiveness. In this blog post, we’ll delve into eight psychological factors that make you attractive, exploring the science behind them. So, let’s unravel the mysteries of attraction.

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1. Your Captivating Scent

“I can’t explain it, but my partner’s scent has this magnetic effect on me. There have been times when I caught a whiff of their sweatshirt, and it instantly brought a flood of positive emotions, creating an unexpected connection even when they weren’t physically there.”

Have you ever felt a strong connection to your partner’s scent, as if it reminds you of them even when they’re not around? It turns out that natural scents play a significant role in attractiveness. Research, like the 2013 study by J. Veragi and others, suggests that pheromones, a type of hormone, are responsible for this phenomenon. Pheromones, often released through sweat, affect both the olfactory system and partner selection, making certain scents more attractive to specific individuals.

2. Chemistry That Sparks Attraction

“Whenever I’m with this person, it feels like there’s this invisible force pulling us together. Learning about the role of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin explains why our interactions are so electrifying. It’s not just about shared interests; our brains are literally wired to crave each other’s company.”

When you experience an intense connection with someone, it’s often attributed to great chemistry. Biological anthropologist Helen Fisher explains that romantic chemistry is directly linked to brain chemistry. It involves heightened activity in neurotransmitters like dopamine, serotonin, testosterone, and estrogen. So, if you’re drawn to someone and feel fantastic around them, chances are you have excellent chemistry, and they may feel the same way about you.

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3. The Influence of Your Diet

“I started paying attention to my diet after reading about its impact on attractiveness. It’s surprising how incorporating more fruits and vegetables not only made me feel healthier but also seemed to enhance how my partner perceives me. It’s a win-win situation for my well-being and our relationship.”

Believe it or not, what you eat can impact your attractiveness, especially in men. Research by Andrea Zuniga and others in 2017 shows that a healthier diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, makes men more appealing. Not only does a nutritious diet signal good overall health, which is attractive to potential partners, but it also enhances your natural scent over time. So, consuming your fruits and veggies can make you not only healthier but also more attractive.

4. Body Ratios: The Symmetry Effect

“Understanding the symmetry effect made me appreciate the diversity of beauty. I used to worry about not fitting into a specific mold, but knowing that attractiveness is not one-size-fits-all has boosted my confidence. It’s reassuring to embrace individuality while recognizing the science behind certain preferences.”

People often judge attractiveness based on certain body proportions, such as symmetrical facial bone structure and the hip-to-shoulder ratio. While it’s essential to remember that all body shapes and sizes are beautiful, these ratios are known to have a biological and evolutionary advantage. However, they don’t diminish the attractiveness of individuals with different proportions.

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5. Proximity and Attraction

“Being in close proximity to someone over time truly does create a unique bond. I’ve experienced it with a friend-turned-partner, where our frequent interactions strengthened our connection. Lentz’s insights about familiarity breeding attraction perfectly describe how our relationship evolved.”

Have you ever found yourself developing feelings for someone you’ve been close to for an extended period? Proximity plays a significant role in attraction. Being near someone frequently can create a psychological bond, making you more appealing to one another. Familiarity breeds attraction, as noted by Cheyenne Lentz in an article for Insider.

6. Kindness: The Attractiveness Multiplier

“I noticed a shift in my dating experiences when I started prioritizing kindness. There was this one date where the person’s genuine kindness stood out, and it made them incredibly attractive. It made me realize that physical appearance is just the surface; kindness is the real game-changer.”

Kindness matters when it comes to attractiveness. Research has shown that when positive character traits are associated with someone’s photo, they are rated as more attractive. Kindness projects selflessness and consideration, making you an excellent choice for a long-term partner. So, be kind, as it can make you not only likable but also more physically attractive.

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7. Personality Compatibility

“In past relationships, I’ve seen the dynamic of both similarities and differences in personality. With one partner, our shared interests created a deep sense of trust, while with another, our distinct personalities brought an exciting element to the relationship. It made me appreciate that compatibility is multi-faceted.”

When it comes to personality, some people are attracted to those who share their traits and interests, while others find differences more appealing. Research suggests that both scenarios have their advantages. Similarities can create a sense of trust and comfort, while differences can be intriguing, making you more attractive to those who view your uniqueness as a missing piece in themselves.

8. Self-Love and Self-Care

“The phase in my life when I prioritized self-love and self-care coincided with positive changes in my relationships. Taking time for myself, practicing self-compassion, and adopting healthier habits not only improved my well-being but also seemed to make me more attractive to potential partners who valued a balanced and fulfilled person.”

The saying “you can’t love someone else until you love yourself” holds true. Self-love and self-care are essential for healthier and longer-lasting relationships. Moreover, projecting self-love and self-care can make you more attractive to potential partners. When you prioritize a healthy lifestyle, get enough sleep, and exercise, it reflects positively on the outside, making you more appealing to others.

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Which of these eight psychological reasons resonates with you the most? Can any of these insights help you in your future relationships? Share your thoughts in the comments below.



Inside The Mind Of A Writer

"Exploring love & relationships. Providing advice, insights, and inspiration to inspire you to find & maintain healthy and fulfilling connections."