A Love Forsaken

The Weight of Societal Chains

Nasrullah Jalbani
Inside The Mind Of A Writer
4 min readMar 8, 2024


Photo by khagen Gogoi on Unsplash

Erum placed her hand on my shoulder and said with a trembling voice, "Two hearts can't meet in the society we live in." Tear after tear streamed down her cheeks; each drop reminding us painfully of the obstacles between us.

"I never thought that our love would be torn by this wicked world," I confessed in a sorrowful voice.

Her moistened eyes pleaded mutely for justice. "We are supposed to be together.", she gasped out as though begging it into existence, for it seemed less realistic.

“But society’s grip is too strong.” I cried as my spirits were sunk by the weight of our predicament.

The journey commenced in college whose holy walls had been sanctified by Erum’s charm which captured my heart instantly when our eyes locked. Each new day was laughter and shared dreams; love was the color that painted our reality with hope and possibility.

They strolled together holding hands through the halls and I believed that nothing could separate us, she said with a touch of nostalgia in her thoughts that once there was no limit to how much we could love.

Nevertheless, on the last day of my college life, I woke up in the morning with the feeling that society had torn us apart.

“We promised ourselves eternity,” Erum murmured with her voice as soft as our delusional dreams.

Yet, it was our last evening together and darkness descended just as vacant corridors resounded with silence; a sad lamentation over what might have been filled the air. Sorrowful hearts and expectant souls burdened by societal expectations therefore made us forever bid goodbye to one another and let our love be cherished in our minds only through the sweet memories of those days.

In the quiet solitude of parting ways amidst words unsaid, those final utterances recollected like a mournful refrain about affection that defied social imprisonment but surrendered ultimately to its relentless clasp.
Cried out into empty air, “My darling!’ I could barely speak as my throat had gone dry and was clogged with tears.

Erum’s eyes were filled with tears and she looked at me for the last time before wordlessly saying “Sweetheart”, it seemed like that was the end of our love as it fell prey to a world that cannot accept two hearts amalgamating forever afflicted by inequality and injustice.

She walked past my eye to disappear in the night leaving me feeling heavy with loss.
“Miss you,” I whispered into nothingness but my words were swallowed by the emptiness around me.

But no desire of any kind would separate us like a fresh wound that never healed.

Looking back at our time together during such difficult days, we realized that they were all we had and gave me some peace when I reached my darkest hour.
This love will always be in my heart and serve as a guiding light to the rest of the world when all else is bleak and unmanageable, even if it is disdained by a cold-hearted society.

“Goodbye my soul.” It was understood over impossibly long ages, though I could hardly hear what I was saying.

That final farewell represents my real surrender to despair knowing that our love will constantly exist in echoes of our hearts.
But despite years of separation, the pain remained as fresh as if it had occurred just yesterday. Erum was inside me. She would always break the silence when I was alone with her laughter.

I'm cursing this lonely room and the oppressive longing within me “I miss you more than words can describe.”

However, there came a time when the agony of parting faded away into a melancholy desire for what could have been weeks stretched into months.
I wandered in darkness trying to find meaning in nothing. That she vanished from this earth not comprehending how great our love was.

Now that she was dead, I wasn’t scared to face the world without her anymore.

I silently wished you good luck and hoped we’d meet again. Then we’ll be able to grow in love. I called her name out into the empty night which was so full of darkness.

At this time, unlike the outside world’s gloominess, thoughts about her illuminated my being like a never-ending ray of light.

In a world that tried to keep us apart but could not because our love was invincible and inextinguishable.

As I closed my eyes, my mind filled with memories of how much love I had for her. The stars glittering in the night sky assure us that our love will go on forever no matter what happens.



Nasrullah Jalbani
Inside The Mind Of A Writer

Hello, I'm Nasrullah Jalbani, a passionate writer from Sindh, Pakistan.