Age is Opportunity: Every Moment Offers a Chance to Learn New.

Dhammshil Kaninde
Inside The Mind Of A Writer
3 min readMar 25, 2024

Has it ever happened to you that you felt like learning something new but you realized that you are too old now?

If yes, then you are not the only person who thinks this.

Image by Tima Miroshnichenko on Pexels

Thousands even millions of people in the world wanted to learn something new. This is the only reason why these people don’t learn anything. Although they always procrastinate in everything in their life.

If you want to do something then age should not be a barrier. We can learn anything at any age, we just have that mindset. Never compare yourself with others, we do this often and do not take any action to go further.

We are not the same. Some people succeed in their 20s, while some people do the same thing in their 30s and still struggling. Nobody knows who will succeed when and in what things. So we just have to always learn new things apply them in our work and work hard.

Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. — Mark Twain

KFC image by Uber Eats

If Colonel Sander had thought about his age today KFC might not have been a billion-dollar brand. He was successful at the age of 62 when he should have enjoyed retirement. He was consistent for more than 20 years in the same thing and in between he learned new things and applied them.

Many of us learn new things but we want quick results and try other things when we do not get them. I am not saying trying new things is a bad idea it is good. But in a year if you work on 6–7 different things then it is obvious that you are going to fail.

Image by Yury Kim on Pexels

Rather than working on too many things pick one. observe it. find flaws. learn the important things. and implement it. If you do all these sooner or later you will succeed.

It is always good to learn at any age. Those who learn new things with time are the successful ones. Successful people never stop learning that is why they know how to multiply their income.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. — Henry Ford

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Dhammshil Kaninde
Inside The Mind Of A Writer

I am a Reader, Writer, Traveller, I love to read and express what I have learned though writing.