Decoding Emotional and Intellectual Intelligence: Recognizing Five Telltale Signs of Low EQ and IQ in Women

Inside The Mind Of A Writer
5 min readNov 23, 2023

Five signs of a Woman with low signs of high EQ and IQ

Women must understand that true love cannot be attained through blind doubt and control. Men do not appreciate these qualities in women. Instead, women should strive to be self-reliant and confident, and use their unique personality charms to attract men, rather than relying solely on their physical appearance.

In a relationship, a woman with low emotional intelligence may struggle to communicate effectively.

Photo by Vil Son on Unsplash

Five signs that women have low IQ

1. Indulge in love words

I’ve come to learn that words and actions go hand in hand in a relationship. When my partner expresses love, it’s not just about what’s said but also about the meaningful actions that follow. It’s through this combination that trust is built, and the sincerity of our connection is reinforced.

It's often said that women can be challenging when they're in love. However, when a man expresses his love through both words and meaningful actions, he can earn a woman's trust. This is also the time when a woman's intelligence may be tested. If a man merely speaks but does not follow through with actions, then his words are not trustworthy. Therefore, it's important for a man to not only express his love verbally but also show it through his actions.

2. Use your hands to make you lose your temper

I’ve realized that testing love by playing emotional games, like breaking up as a way to gauge commitment, is not a healthy approach. It only brings sadness and damages confidence. The idea that IQ plays a role in such behavior is unfounded and perpetuates harmful stereotypes. Respect and kindness should be the foundation, regardless of the situation.

It's important to note that the following statement is both offensive and untrue. Girls who are in love are not mentally retarded. Some girls may test their partner's love by breaking up with them, but this behavior can be damaging to the relationship. It can cause the man to feel sad and lose confidence, which is not healthy for either person. Breaking up should only be done if it's what both parties want, not as a way to test love or show power. Suggesting that IQ is a factor in this behavior is incorrect and only serves to perpetuate harmful stereotypes. It's important to treat others with kindness and respect, regardless of gender or relationship status.

3. Go to bed with men easily

There was a time when I thought being in a relationship would automatically win a man’s heart. However, I’ve learned that genuine love is about proving worth and being treated well. Jumping into things too quickly can give the wrong impression. It’s crucial to be cautious and avoid relationships with those who aren’t serious, preventing future regrets.

It is a common misconception among some women that being in a relationship with a boy will help them win a man's heart. However, this is far from the truth. A man's heart cannot be won by such a strategy, and in fact, it might make him think that you are not serious about the relationship. The right way to go about it is to let the man prove his worth and treat you well so that you can be sure that he genuinely loves you and is willing to be a protector in your life. Girls need to beware of boys who are not serious about their relationships, as they can be a source of regret later on. The top five signs of low IQ in women include being afraid of such boys.

Photo by Vinicius Wiesehofer on Unsplash

4. Don’t compare

I’ve encountered situations where comparing intelligence, especially in tricky hypothetical scenarios, doesn’t contribute positively to a relationship. Questions like “Who would you save first?” can create unnecessary stress. It’s essential to focus on understanding each other rather than setting up scenarios that may damage the relationship.

The phrase "IQ is a flaw" refers to an unintelligent person. One example of a silly question is "Your mother and I fell into the water. Who would you save first?" This question is problematic because whatever answer you give, will not be the best one. Choosing to save yourself would be selfish while choosing to save your mother would imply that you don't love the person asking the question. Such questions can damage relationships and cause unnecessary stress.

5. Don’t give face in front of everyone

Respecting each other’s dignity is paramount in any relationship. I’ve learned not to disrespect my partner in public, understanding that it can lead to unhappiness for both of us. Mutual respect and kindness are the pillars of a healthy connection, and I’ve realized that hurting someone publicly only pushes their heart further away.

Everyone deserves to be treated with dignity, including men. Even if a man is selfish, he will let you go as long as he truly loves you. It's important not to disrespect a man in public, as it can lead to unhappiness for both of you - you'll be sad while he'll be angry. You can't expect him to love you if you hurt him or trample on his dignity. Doing so will only push his heart further away from you. Remember, it's important to treat each other with respect and kindness in any relationship.

Photo by Jackson David on Unsplash

Women with high EQ and IQ have these two things:

Through my experiences, I’ve found that a strong connection exists between career and love. When both partners communicate with wisdom and empathy, conflicts become rare, and effective solutions are found. It’s amazing how a relationship flourishes when both individuals bring emotional intelligence into the picture.

The relationship between career and love is mutually beneficial and strong, and cannot be replaced by anything else. In a love-based marriage, there are very few conflicts and disputes because both partners communicate with wisdom and empathy, finding effective solutions and making compromises that work for both parties.

Having exceptional communication skills has been a game-changer. I’ve noticed that the caliber of connections I make is influenced by my personality and qualities. Quick thinking, careful choice of words, and tactful communication become crucial, especially when interacting with capable and sociable individuals. It’s about maintaining a balance and ensuring that connections align with personal values and aspirations.

Having exceptional communication skills and an extensive network of contacts is a great asset. Your personality and qualities can determine the caliber of connections you make. In general, the gap between connections should not be too wide. When interacting with capable and sociable individuals, it is crucial to think quickly, choose your words carefully, and speak tactfully.



Inside The Mind Of A Writer

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