Do Views Really Matter?

Areebah M. Javed
Inside The Mind Of A Writer
3 min readDec 7, 2023

Views & validation: A gen z writer’s guide to ignoring the hype

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

The question is — do views really matter?

Well, my left brain, the logical and know-it-all side, insists they do. After all, why did I even hit that publish button?

But then my heart chimes in, saying, “Who cares who reads my work? As long as I’m hitting that publish button, life is grand.”

Let’s be real; I’m a writer at heart. Sure, the praise is nice, but even when my masterpiece goes unnoticed, I’m not in the fetal position crying about it.

Why, you ask? Because, my friends, I started this writing gig with a mission — productivity.

Back then, my life was less interesting than watching paint dry, and scrolling through social media was about as thrilling as counting sheep.

I never bothered with Instagram, Snapchat, or TikTok. Why?

Because I’m the kind of person who asks, “What’s in it for me?” If the answer involves sparking curiosity or gaining knowledge, sign me up. But if it’s just a time-waster or the whole world is doing it, count me out.

Now, before you label me as the quirky Gen Z rebel, let me tell you: I’ve got an old soul. Social media trends? Nah, I’m here for substance.

When I joined Medium, the initial goal was more views, naturally. Yet, what I didn’t realize was there’s so much more without the views.

  1. Enter my online sanctuary, a personal journal that lets me be as inconsistent as I want. I can’t keep a physical journal to save my life, but this virtual space captures my sporadic writing journey.
  2. It’s also my proof-of-writing-life file. No, I’m not trying to impress anyone, but if future-me decides on a career shift, I can flash these saved works and say, “See, I was once somebody capable of forming coherent sentences!”

So, as of now, I’m happily typing away because I enjoy it. Stringing words together is my jam.

Views or no views, one day, I’ll look back at these drafts with a sense of accomplishment, probably while sipping tea and reminiscing about the good ol’ pre-virtual reality days.

And hey, I usually end my articles with links to more of my literary masterpieces, but here? Maybe not.

After all, you’re here for the laughs, not for my shameless self-promotion, right?



Areebah M. Javed
Inside The Mind Of A Writer

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