Flirting Or Just Being Nice?

Do They Really Like You???

Inside The Mind Of A Writer
6 min readApr 5, 2024


Flirting can be both exciting and confusing. You might wonder whether someone’s friendly behavior is simply a result of them being nice, or if there’s something more to it. In this blog post, we’ll explore ten signs that indicate someone genuinely likes you. Understanding these subtle cues can help you navigate the complexities of human interactions and potentially lead to a deeper connection.

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1. Teasing by Their Friends

I remember a time when I was in college, and I had a crush on someone in my class. Whenever I was around, I noticed that their friends would give them knowing looks and tease them playfully. It became evident that my crush had probably confided in their friends about their feelings for me.

One of the telltale signs that someone likes you is when their friends tease them playfully whenever you’re around. People tend to confide in their close friends about their feelings, so if you notice a little cheekiness from their group when you’re present, it might be because they’ve shared their fondness for you with their pals.

2. Noticeable Changes in Behavior

Once, during a group project at work, I noticed a colleague becoming noticeably more talkative and animated whenever I was nearby. It was as if they were making an extra effort to stand out in the group, which hinted at their interest in me.

When you’re around, do you observe a sudden shift in the person’s behavior? According to Clarissa Silva, a behavioral scientist, having a crush can trigger anxiety, leading to changed behaviors. They may become louder or more outgoing in an attempt to impress you. This shift in their demeanor is a clear indication that your presence matters to them, and they become self-conscious around you.

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3. Careful About Their Appearance

There was a time when I attended a social gathering, and someone I was interested in was also present. I observed them constantly adjusting their outfit and smoothing down their hair whenever they approached me, indicating their nervousness and desire to make a good impression.

If you notice the person constantly fixing their appearance, such as adjusting their clothes or touching their hair when they approach you, it’s a sign they want to make a good impression. Just like you would want to look your best for someone you like, they also feel nervous around you due to the surge of emotions caused by their crush. Lightening the mood with a joke, a smile, or a compliment can help ease their tension.

4. Indirectly Expressing Their Feelings

I recall a situation where someone I liked would frequently bring up topics of interest to me and ask for my opinions on them. It seemed like they were indirectly trying to gauge my feelings and see if there was a mutual connection between us.

Sometimes, people may find it challenging to express their feelings directly. Instead, they might engage in roundabout ways to show their interest. If you’ve noticed actions like asking you out, requesting your contact information, or finding your social media accounts, these are all courageous acts to test the waters and see if there’s potential for a deeper connection.

5. Going Out of Their Way to Help You

During a particularly busy week, I remember feeling overwhelmed with tasks at work. To my surprise, a coworker I had a crush on offered to assist me with some of my assignments without me even asking. It was clear they were going out of their way to help me, indicating their feelings towards me.

Have you observed the person being exceptionally helpful towards you? They may ask what they can do to assist you when you seem stressed or busy. If you notice a pattern where they’re going out of their way to provide you with assistance, it’s likely that there’s something more significant behind their actions — feelings of affection towards you.

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6. Prioritizing You Over Other Plans

There was an instance when I made spontaneous plans with someone I liked, and they canceled their existing arrangements to spend time with me instead. It was a clear sign that they valued our time together and wanted to prioritize building a connection with me.

A clear sign that someone likes you is when they cancel their plans last minute to spend time with you. This action demonstrates that they prioritize you and care enough to put you first. By choosing to be with you, they reveal their interest in getting to know you better and taking advantage of every chance to be close to you.

7. Initiating Physical Contact

I recall a moment when someone I was interested in playfully bumped into me while we were out with friends. It was a subtle yet intentional physical touch that hinted at their romantic interest in me.

Watch out for playful physical touches, like pinching, ruffling your hair, or standing a little too close when talking. Such behavior indicates that they might really like you romantically. If they frequently initiate hugging, tickling, or holding hands, they are subtly conveying their feelings of interest and attraction.

8. Showing Interest in Your Likes

Once, I mentioned a favorite book of mine in passing during a conversation with someone I liked. Later on, they surprised me by sending me an article related to the book, showing that they remembered my interests and wanted to engage with me on a deeper level.

When someone likes you, they’ll genuinely want to build a deeper connection by finding mutual interests. If they ask you a lot of questions about the things you love, and later send you related memes or content, it shows that they value what makes you unique and desire to share meaningful experiences together.

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9. Taking the Initiative to Communicate

I remember feeling pleasantly surprised when someone I had feelings for started initiating conversations with me on social media platforms. It showed that they were eager to interact with me and build a connection outside of our usual interactions.

In the realm of modern communication, the person who likes you won’t hesitate to initiate conversations with you. Whether it’s liking your Instagram posts, sending you memes, or actively engaging with your online presence, these actions reflect their desire to interact more and strengthen your connection.

10. Jealousy as a Sign of Interest

There was a time when I spent more time with a mutual friend than with someone I had a crush on. I noticed a subtle change in their demeanor, indicating a hint of jealousy. It made me realize that they genuinely cared about me and desired more of my attention.

A little jealousy can sometimes be a positive sign in a relationship. If you notice them feeling sulky or upset when you spend less time together, it may indicate that they genuinely like you and wish to have more of your attention. However, it’s essential to handle jealousy with care, ensuring open communication and understanding.

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Flirting or being nice? Decoding someone’s feelings can be an intricate puzzle. The ten signs mentioned above provide valuable insights into whether someone genuinely likes you. Remember, everyone’s emotions and behaviors are unique, so approach these cues with sensitivity and empathy. Whether or not you have that special person in your life right now, always remember that you are amazing just the way you are.

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Inside The Mind Of A Writer

"Exploring love & relationships. Providing advice, insights, and inspiration to inspire you to find & maintain healthy and fulfilling connections."