How do we know an Emotionally Unavailable Person???

Inside The Mind Of A Writer
4 min readFeb 20, 2024

Having a crush can be an exciting experience, but it’s essential to determine if your crush is emotionally available. Emotional availability plays a crucial role in building a healthy and fulfilling relationship. If your crush is emotionally unavailable, it can lead to a lack of emotional connection and fulfillment. In this blog post, we will explore six signs that can indicate whether your crush is emotionally unavailable.

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1. Lack of Compassion

When I’ve shared personal experiences or struggles with my crush, I’ve noticed a lack of empathy or concern in their responses. There have been instances where they seemed disinterested or indifferent to my feelings, which made me question their ability to emotionally connect with me.

Compassion is the ability to empathize with others and express concern for their well-being. If your crush lacks compassion, it suggests an inability to emotionally connect with others. Emotional connection and understanding are vital in any relationship. If your crush struggles with compassion, it might be an indication that your future relationship could face difficulties.

2. Unwillingness to Commit

I’ve had conversations with my crush about the possibility of taking our relationship to the next level, but they always seem hesitant or avoidant. It’s as if they’re more interested in keeping things casual or enjoying the excitement of the moment rather than committing to something deeper and more meaningful.

Does your crush seem hesitant to commit or avoid using the word “relationship”? If they appear more interested in the thrill or excitement of a new relationship rather than building something meaningful, it could be a sign of emotional unavailability. Emotional intimacy is crucial for a strong and sustainable relationship. If your crush is scared or unable to provide the necessary emotional connection, it’s important to consider the impact it may have on your relationship.

3. Distant Body Language

Whenever I try to engage my crush in physical affection or closeness, I’ve noticed a reluctance or discomfort in their body language. They tend to avoid prolonged eye contact and keep their distance, which makes me feel like they’re not fully present or emotionally available at the moment.

Pay attention to your crush’s body language. Do they avoid eye contact or exhibit defensive postures? Body language plays a significant role in emotional vulnerability and connection. If your crush hesitates or refuses to reciprocate affectionate and connective body language, it may indicate emotional unavailability. Recent neuroscience research suggests that the ability to mirror facial expressions is linked to greater empathy. If your crush struggles to pick up on your facial cues or actions, it could be another sign of emotional unavailability.

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4. Dismissive Behavior

There have been numerous occasions where I’ve tried to make plans or initiate meaningful conversations with my crush, only to be met with dismissal or avoidance. It’s frustrating when they consistently brush off my attempts to connect on a deeper level, which leaves me feeling unimportant and undervalued.

Is your crush consistently unavailable and avoids spending time with you? Do they dismiss or avoid certain conversations? Being physically and emotionally present is essential in a relationship. If your crush frequently avoids making plans, dismisses your ideas, or refuses to listen to your point of view, it indicates emotional unavailability. They may struggle to commit emotionally or be unavailable for a deeper connection in the relationship.

5. Avoidance of Emotional Depth

Whenever our conversations veer towards more emotional topics or discussions, I’ve noticed my crush becoming guarded or changing the subject abruptly. It’s as if they’re uncomfortable delving into deeper emotions or addressing challenging topics, which leaves me feeling like there’s a barrier between us.

Does your crush seem uncomfortable with emotional conversations? Do they change the subject or become closed off when discussions become more emotionally charged? Emotional openness and acceptance are vital for a healthy relationship. If your crush shows discomfort with emotional topics, it may suggest that they are repressing their own challenging emotions. Opening up about difficult or complex emotions is crucial for emotional connection and growth.

6. Lack of Deep Relationships

Observing my crush’s social circle, I’ve noticed a lack of deep and meaningful friendships. While they may have a lot of acquaintances, it seems like they struggle to form genuine connections with others on a deeper emotional level. This makes me question their ability to form a meaningful connection with me in a romantic relationship.

Take note of your crush’s social circle. Do they have many deep and meaningful friendships? Emotional availability, particularly in adults, can be assessed by the depth of their social relationships. Strong and meaningful friendships are built on emotional understanding, interpersonal skills, and vulnerability. By observing the depth of your crush’s friendships, you can gauge their willingness to open up and emotionally connect with others.

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Identifying signs of emotional unavailability in your crush is crucial for a healthy and fulfilling relationship. Lack of compassion, unwillingness to commit, distant body language, dismissive behavior, avoidance of emotional depth, and a lack of deep relationships can all indicate emotional unavailability. It’s essential to have open and honest communication with your crush to understand their emotional needs and compatibility. Remember, emotional availability is a fundamental aspect of a successful relationship.



Inside The Mind Of A Writer

"Exploring love & relationships. Providing advice, insights, and inspiration to inspire you to find & maintain healthy and fulfilling connections."