How to Find New Local Clients for Your Small Business in 2024?

No 3 is most important, and Read my personal local client finding way!

Saidul Islam Sakib (Shakib)
Inside The Mind Of A Writer
4 min readOct 15, 2023


When I started running Facebook ads for clients locally,

I got so many referrals because I tried to give my best when I worked for some of my clients and they got amazing results. And then, when some of their friends or family members needed to run Facebook ads, some customers referred me to them and I got their orders as well.

Then I gained confidence and started marketing myself.

What do I mean by marketing myself?

On my social media, like Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp, I shared my clients appreciations, results, and information about how I run good ads for customers and bring them sales.

Which means my friends and locally connected Facebook friends and brothers now know about me and can see that I am regularly helping businesses get more sales through Facebook ads.

I posted informational content on Facebook groups and on my own timeline.

I started running Facebook ads for my own page, where I showcase my portfolio and promote my service.

Now, I am getting noticed and almost regularly, people are getting connected to me when they need Facebook ad setup & management and Facebook marketing services.

In the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, finding new local clients remains a priority for small business owners and freelancers. The year 2024 brings with it unique challenges and opportunities. If you’re wondering how to attract those elusive clients right in your neighborhood, this guide is here to offer you a conversational, humanized approach.

1. Networking: Building Relationships That Matter

Build relationship. Talk to people. Be friend. Spend some time regularly to find valuable people, learn about each other and get connected.

Believe me. Networking will bring you sales because people don’t just buy services. They need trust, they need value, and they will choose you first because they know you.

Get connected to me on LinkedIn:

2. Specialization: Stand Out in Your Niche

Being the best at what you do is crucial. Specialization allows you to become an expert in your field. Clients prefer to work with specialists who deeply understand their needs.

3. SEO-Optimized Blog Content: Becoming Discoverable

Hire a content writer who will be writing blog content for you. especially on your website. Write content for everything your customers are and will be asking on Google. Rank for keywords that are being searched by your potential customers and let them find you through your SEO-optimized blog content.

4. Email & WhatsApp Lists: Direct Communication

The email list will help you in the long run. Every time you bring in new things, every time you have new updates, email them to your list and you will be getting sales from here as well because you are already reaching someone who knows you and was a customer of yours.

The WhatsApp list is specially for Asian market, where email is not being used properly and WhatsApp is used widely. Do the same on WhatsApp. WhatsApp them with your updates.

5. Customer Retention: Loyalty Pays Off

Your current customers are a goldmine. Provide exceptional service to turn them into repeat clients. Happy customers often become your best promoters.

6. Guest on Podcasts: Sharing Your Expertise

Keep searching for getting a chance to be a guest on a podcast. Sharing your insights and experiences can help you reach a broader audience and establish yourself as an authority.

7. Create Courses and Share Knowledge

Helping others learn can be a great way to attract new clients. Develop courses or share educational content that showcases your expertise.

I mentioned the importance of sharing knowledge when I was starting this blog. Go and read again.

8. New Customer Discounts: An Incentive to Try You Out

Offer introductory discounts or promotions to entice new clients to give your services a try. It’s a powerful way to make a compelling first impression.

9. Promote Your Expertise: Showcase Your Skills

Don’t be shy about displaying your expertise. Share success stories, case studies, and testimonials to demonstrate the value you bring to your clients.

I mentioned the importance of promoting your expertise when I was starting this blog. Go and read again.

10. Face-to-Face Meetings: Personal Connections Matter

Whenever possible, arrange in-person meetings with potential clients. The trust and rapport built through face-to-face interactions can be invaluable.

11. Your Advertising Plan: Tailored to Your Needs

Craft a local advertising strategy that suits your business. This might include social media advertising, Google Ads, and listings in local directories. It’s all about targeting the right audience effectively.

In the competitive landscape of 2024, these strategies will help you navigate the journey of finding new local clients. Building connections, showcasing your expertise, and staying adaptable will be your keys to success.

Is there anything else you want me to add? or do you want to add?

Let me know!!

This is Shakib!

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Saidul Islam Sakib (Shakib)
Inside The Mind Of A Writer

Building Personal Brand for Founder | Facebook, Instagram & Google Ads Expert | Content Writer | Social Media Manager