My Radical Acceptance of today…

Photo by Kristina Schmid on Unsplash

Daily Ascent

Senses stage each turn of page,

this endless winter’s sun lit haze.

A click of time, turn on a dime,

this repeating heartbeat mine.

Solitude, it’s painful muse,

a mighty mournful Sunday tune.

Still to seek, a wish too meek,

this social mountain height so bleak.

The light is bound, above the clouds,

of this summit's stormy rounds.

To which ascend, eternal bend,

each story has its happy end.

Solid Stehl 12/18/2023 All Rights Reserved

Inside The Mind Of A Writer

Father, Husband, Writer, Poet, Composer, Inventor, Philosopher, Aspiring Psychologist … basically a work in progress always the seeking truth