Photo by Colin Lloyd on Unsplash

Your Next Submission Could Be The Game-Changer

New Writers You Only Need 1 Article to Change Your Life. Here’s Proof

A Single Spark: Igniting Your Writing Career with One Hit

2 min readFeb 29, 2024


This is my most popular article.

It took me 10+ months and hundreds of failed articles before I had a popular article.

I haven’t had a better-performing article since then.

It’s been roughly 75 days since I published it and it’s still performing better than most of my other articles. You can read more about it here.

It’s still doing most of the heavy lifting for my profile.

Before publishing this article, my profile attracted views and reads in double digits daily.

After publishing this article, my profile started attracting views and reads in triple digits and even went as high as 2300+ views on a single day.

Here’s proof.

From the Authors’ Vault

I’m a nobody, so if you were to consider some internet sensations like Tim Ferris, Ramit Seth and Ryan Holiday you will notice a pattern.



Prioritizing writing, experiments, failure and growth. Committed to write 365 days straight! Come say hi :)