Right things happen at the right time.

Dhammshil Kaninde
Inside The Mind Of A Writer
3 min readApr 7, 2024

People want quick results, they never want to wait for some time. When they do not get immediate results leave that work and start new. They do the same thing with new work also and over time they try several different works. In search of quick results, they waste a couple of years.

Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

You may see nearby you, on social media or any other platform young kids making seven-figure incomes. Some people are in their 30s and still do not have a fixed income source. That doesn’t mean they do not do hard work, they do harder work than these young kids.

The problem is that people do not understand that success will come to you at any time you just have to be patient for that. Of course, it also needs hard work, if you do not do hard work and wait for success then my friend this is not going to happen.

“Timing is everything. If it’s meant to happen, it will, at the right time for the right reasons.” — Oprah Winfrey

Have you seen some people’s life change in a year or two years?

I have seen a couple of my friends who became successful within 1–2 years. You know the best part is that they did not become successful in what they gave their 100%. They achieved success in other work.

Image by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels

One of my friends was a Bodyguard in a hospital. He used to go as a bouncer for some local events for only $10–15 a day. Suddenly he got a labour contract with the company and bought a house within a year. Now he has everything and earns thousands of dollars per month.

Another of my friends was a plumber and he had one assistant. He was earning $500–700 a month depending on his work. One day the Manager of a random company was very happy with my friend’s work. The manager said to take this scrap and sell it in the market, my friend had no idea about scrap but he still took it to sell.

First time in his life he earned $300 in a single day without doing any hard work. Later he made scrap as his primary business, gradually he stopped plumbing. Because he was earning far more money in scrap business than in plumbing. At present, he has a good house, car, and cash, and living a happy life. He earns $ 20K-25K per month.

From the above two examples I only want to say that keep struggling, keep hustling one day will be yours for sure. You don’t have to get succeed in what you are doing, maybe you will get success in some other things.

The opportunity will come to you at any time and in any form. The definition of success varies from person to person. And don’t get jealous if your friends are earning a good amount of money while you are still struggling.

Please do not copy the people and their businesses who got success in a quick time. They succeeded because the right time came. Still, if you do the same thing you will lose your money and time.

You read this blog means you are a hard-working person. You want to make an impact in your life but things not working as per your plan.

If you are a dreamer, a hard worker, and a believer and have patience, you will succeed sooner or later.

You will get what you have not expected ever.



Dhammshil Kaninde
Inside The Mind Of A Writer

I am a Reader, Writer, Traveller, I love to read and express what I have learned though writing.