Shweta Bharti
Inside The Mind Of A Writer
1 min readJul 25, 2024


Photo by Erriko Boccia on Unsplash

Think as much as you can
When you know yourself,
Your brain knows well
How to play games.
It loves to dwell in the
Nooks and corners,
Wet in duality and confusion,
That peeps out.
You think, think, and think,
Moving into nothing but eternal chaos.
So, my dear,
Right in this moment, right now,
Just close your eyes and breathe
Gently and slowly.
Now, you see whatever that you can:
The soft rustling leaves and
Fragile petals of a white lily, raindrops dripping from your raincoat.
Stay there until,
You hear my voice echoing in your head
While you read what I write.
Stay there until,
Unfolds truth through misty illusion
That it's been the same from Eternity and now,
That you exist in me, and I exist in you.
And yes, that is the truth,
The truth that you seek.
And when you get a glimpse,
In this very eon of extreme consciousness
of an enlightened soul,
Feel what you feel in the depths of your heart.
And in this moment,
My dear, you are absolutely right.

