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Essential Insights for the Modern Writer

The 2 Common Mistakes to Avoid No Matter Where You’re At in Your Writing Journey

A Deeper Dive into the Realm of Writing

Inside The Mind Of A Writer
2 min readOct 16, 2023


Lately, due to a daily publishing habit, I’ve probably penned more words in the last 8 months than ever before.

Besides writing, I’ve been spending a lot of time reading and engaging with the work of several creators on Medium.

This immersion into the world of writing has offered me key insights about the journey, and there are two pitfalls I’ve observed that every writer, new or seasoned, should avoid.

You Only Ask. Never Give

Imagine having a friend who only calls you for favours.

After a few instances, wouldn’t you dread their calls?

I would.

Call me crazy, but the last time I counted I had 93 newsletter subscriptions from creators around the world.

I know, it’s a lot to handle.

However, reading these newsletters taught me a few things a writer shouldn’t do.

I came across a breed of creators who only sold their courses, products and services. They rarely provided any value.

This is a pattern I’ve noticed on Medium as well.

When writing, if you are only going to ask people for favours, to buy your products, your readers will get tired and run from you.

It is the fastest way to turn off your readers.

The Hook and The Content

When was the last time you watched a trailer, followed by the film but left feeling disappointed?

Don’t let your content be like the trailer you loved only to be disappointed by the movie.

I find it hard to trust writers who never connect the headline with the content.

I wasn’t aware of this until recently.

But, it is a pet peeve of sorts.

In this busy, chaotic and over-complicated virtual world of ours, it is crucial to not only grab your reader's attention but also hold it.

First impressions are important.

If you find this article different from what the title promises, you’d surely not want to trust me with your attention.

You lose trust faster than you build it.

Writing is an art, a craft, and a journey of self-discovery.

I hope you nurture it.

What common pitfalls have you encountered or observed? I’d love to hear them :)



Inside The Mind Of A Writer

Prioritizing writing, experiments, failure and growth. Committed to write 365 days straight! Come say hi :)