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From Rigidity to Regularity

The Most Effective Strategy That Helped Me Write Everyday for 327 Days

A Writer’s Guide to Daily Discipline

Inside The Mind Of A Writer
1 min readJan 7, 2024


Before my writing streak began, I’d created rules in my head.

For example, my articles would be a certain length, I’d publish in the first half of the day, I’d find a niche and stick to that niche, I’d never repeat what I wrote, etc.

Rookie mistakes. All of them.

Rather than setting myself free and creating space for my creativity to flow, I created restrictions for myself.

It crippled me.

Only after showing up regularly have I realized that no two days are the same and that prediction is often futile.

Thus, the most effective strategy has been…

To flow, be flexible and adjust my schedule with my life.

Write less, write badly, repeat ideas, embrace failure, etc.

Whatever it is — show up.

It has helped me write every day.

What about you? Are you too judgemental of your work to show up?



Inside The Mind Of A Writer

Prioritizing writing, experiments, failure and growth. Committed to write 365 days straight! Come say hi :)