The rules of a happy marriage

Inside The Mind Of A Writer
4 min readDec 19, 2023

After the passion and excitement of youth fades, many married couples find themselves adrift, wondering how to keep their lifelong union strong. Though the flames of early romance may have dwindled to glowing embers, they can be stoked and nurtured to once again warm your marriage. It simply takes mutual commitment to certain fundamental principles. In this blog post, we’ll explore five essential rules to breathe new life into your marriage, reconnect with your spouse, and foster a happy union that endures the test of time.

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1. Respect each other

My wife and I don’t always agree when making decisions. But even when we have differing opinions, I make an effort to truly consider her perspective. And I know she does the same for me. We choose to respect each other rather than argue over minor things.

When couples inevitably have different opinions, they should make appropriate concessions on non-principled issues. After couples have been together for many years, they should think more about each other’s advantages and respect each other’s opinions no matter how big or small they are.

2. Overcoming shortcomings

I know that in my older age I’ve become more stubborn and set in my ways. I need to be aware that this bad temper of mine can hurt my wife, who has been so patient and caring with me all these years.

There are quite a number of elderly friends. The older they get, the more stubborn they become and the less they listen to what others say, causing discord between husband and wife. In fact, every elderly couple should cherish the love they cultivated when they were young. Elderly people with a stubborn temper should pay attention to overcoming this shortcoming. When you want to get angry, you might as well think about the harm that your stubbornness and bad temper may bring to your wife, so that you can no longer bear to blame the other party.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

3. Mutual understanding:

As my husband’s health has declined, his moods are more volatile and he gets angry easier. But I understand it comes from a place of fear and pain. I’m consciously gentle and give him space when needed. And he works to not take out his frustration on me. We choose understanding.

After entering old age, men become prone to anger, while women tend to have anxiety and other emotions. At this time, both parties need to be considerate and understanding of each other, especially the one who is in better health should be patient with the other party, and the other party should also control his temper and not chatter over trivial matters. Be an enthusiastic listener to your partner. Listening compassionately is an expression of love in itself.

4. Cultivate feelings

My wife and I make an effort to keep the spark alive even after decades together. We set aside time for thoughtful date nights beyond just the logistics of life. We give each other small romantic gestures and make each other feel truly cherished. Our love is still grounded in emotion.

A happy marriage requires not only the exchange of ideas, but also the exchange of emotions. The common mistakes that elderly couples make when cultivating relationships are being overly realistic and lacking in imagination. They are overwhelmed by trivial matters such as daily necessities such as daily necessities, such as daily necessities of life. Being too realistic will lead to a lack of interest, and life will become dull and boring. Therefore, elderly couples should always cultivate their feelings. The happiest thing in life is to feel loved.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

5. Participate in activities

Sitting home alone often leaves my husband cranky and bored. So we make an effort to still explore new places and experiences together when possible for our health conditions. Keeping active and engaged helps brighten both our moods and brings us closer.

Some elderly people stay at home all day because of their poor health. Over time, they will inevitably have quarrels with others. In fact, going outside for activities and breathing fresh air is not only good for the body, but also makes your mood suddenly brighter and reduces the chance of conflicts with others.

Photo by Mindy Sabiston on Unsplash

A lasting, fulfilling marriage takes conscious work, compromise, and care from both partners. While the early days may come easy, preserving passion over decades takes adherence to certain guidelines, such as cultivating mutual respect, being understanding, nurturing emotional intimacy, staying actively engaged with each other, and focusing on self-improvement. Yet with mutual dedication to these principles, you can keep the fire burning bright. Your marriage will not only survive but thrive as a continuing source of comfort, companionship and love all throughout your golden years together.



Inside The Mind Of A Writer

"Exploring love & relationships. Providing advice, insights, and inspiration to inspire you to find & maintain healthy and fulfilling connections."