Understanding the Depths of True Friendship

Inside The Mind Of A Writer
3 min readNov 11, 2023
Photo by Cody Black on Unsplash

Unveiling the Beauty of Coincidence

The night blankets the world, and the stars shimmer brightly in the darkened sky. It’s in these moments of profound darkness that I found myself seeking your presence, a silhouette in the abyss.

In life, there are moments when a friend becomes a beacon of warmth in the cold, much like a timely gift in the midst of a snowstorm. For me, that friend is my best friend, Ashley.

The Canvas of Friendship

Under the cerulean sky, a day seemed promising, yet the mood of our class teacher didn’t hinge on weather forecasts. Caught without my math assignment, I instinctively avoided the teacher’s gaze. My desk partner, Ashley, sensing my unease, slid her work towards me, rescuing me from the looming trouble. A simple ‘thank you’ note initiated the formal establishment of our friendship.

Like the sunshine, our friendship radiated warmth and resilience. However, concerns about losing touch once separated by class shifts lingered. Ashley dismissed the worry with a smile, reassuring me that distances wouldn’t dim our connection.

Weathering Storms Together

Under a gloomy sky with swirling clouds and rain dancing outside, Ashley confided in me about an inherited mental illness. Momentarily stunned, I laughed, assuming it was a jest. Her serious demeanor regarding mild depression left me momentarily skeptical. Her subsequent laughter at my gullibility colored my embarrassment.

Photo by Jonathan Borba on Unsplash

Friction and its Consequences

A trivial disagreement one holiday led to a heated argument. In a fit of anger, I impulsively suggested ending our friendship.

Days turned into over a month without communication from either of us. Just when I reached out before the new school term, a reply arrived, not from Ashley, but from her mother, bearing news I never wished to receive.

Regrets and Unspoken Words

That sleepless night was laden with silent screams and tearful contemplation. It was my fault, my silence at the wrong times. If I could rewind time, I’d communicate and understand, letting empathy guide instead of petty disputes. Would Ashley still be by my side on that balcony, chatting away with me if I had acted differently?

Seeking Remnants in the Stars

Since then, I’ve often found myself gazing at the stars, attempting to find her presence, seeking solace in the constellations, a symbolic search for the lost connection.

Photo by Antenna on Unsplash

Friendship, like a constellation in the night sky, holds its unique beauty in the randomness of its connections. It’s in these encounters that we find the true essence of companionship, a delicate blend of moments and emotions that define our existence.



Inside The Mind Of A Writer

"Exploring love & relationships. Providing advice, insights, and inspiration to inspire you to find & maintain healthy and fulfilling connections."