We’re not writers.We are humans

Our thoughts ink the pages of our very existence — something we call life.

Francisco Iglesias
Inside The Mind Of A Writer


We are not writers; we are humans.

However, something as obvious as this often gets overlooked and forgotten. We pre-judge and express opinions without knowledge, and along the way, we forget that we are no better than what we criticize.

It’s so obvious that saying it is almost an insult, yet we don’t seem to learn.

Every second is an opportunity to change and become better. Think about it, but don’t tell anyone. Truly think about it. Ask yourself, are you a better person for trying or even just thinking about it?

Perhaps as you read these lines, you’ll realize that you’re not judging others but rather reflecting on yourself.

We all share humanity, but humanity is only yourself, nothing more.

Just you. We are mirrors of ourselves, and the energy that sustains us is the same that gives life to all corners of the universe.



Francisco Iglesias
Inside The Mind Of A Writer

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