What psychological facts about crushes do you know???

Inside The Mind Of A Writer
4 min readApr 2, 2024
Photo by Egor Vikhrev on Unsplash

1. Prolonged eye contact can increase attraction to your crush:

I noticed that whenever I had a conversation with my crush and we maintained eye contact for longer periods, I felt a stronger connection and attraction towards them. It’s like our eyes were communicating something beyond words, deepening my feelings for them.

Extended eye contact can deepen emotional connection by enhancing feelings of intimacy and trust. It signals attentiveness and interest, leading to a stronger bond between individuals. Research has shown that mutual gaze and extended eye contact can enhance feelings of attraction and attachment to a stranger.

2. Opposites attract:

I always found myself drawn to people who had different interests or perspectives from mine. For example, my crush is outgoing and adventurous, while I’m more introverted and cautious. Yet, their spontaneity and zest for life intrigue me, making them even more appealing.

Differences in personality traits or interests can create excitement and novelty in a relationship. It allows individuals to learn from each other and experience new perspectives, contributing to the attraction between them. Studies have indicated that individuals are naturally more attracted to those with different genetic blueprints, specifically in terms of HLA complexes.

3. Parental Influence on Partner Preference:

Growing up, I noticed that my parents had a significant age gap, and as I got older, I found myself gravitating towards partners who were older than me.

Observing parental relationships can shape one’s preferences for partners later in life. Children may seek qualities in partners that mirror those of their parents, whether consciously or subconsciously, influencing their partner preferences.

Children with older parents may develop a preference for older partners when they become adults. Research suggests that there is an association between a child’s parents being older and their tendency to find older faces more attractive later in life.

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4. Symmetry Increases Attractiveness:

Whenever I met someone with symmetrical facial features, I couldn’t help but find them more attractive.

Symmetry in facial features is associated with good health and genetic fitness. Our brains are wired to perceive symmetrical faces as more aesthetically pleasing, leading to increased attractiveness.

Those with symmetrical faces tend to be perceived as more attractive. Symmetry in facial features is consistently rated as attractive, suggesting that our brains are wired to find such faces appealing.

5. Sound and Smell Influence Attraction:

I remember being instantly drawn to my crush’s voice and scent the first time we met. Their voice had a soothing quality, and their scent was uniquely captivating.

Voice tone and scent can evoke emotional responses and trigger attraction. They contribute to the overall impression of a person and can intensify feelings of attraction and connection.

Sound and smell also play a role in attraction. While visual appearance is often attributed to initial attraction, research has shown that a person’s voice and scent also contribute to the development of a crush.

6. Height Similarity in Partners:

Looking back at my past relationships, I realized that most of my crushes were around the same height as me.

Couples often have similar heights, possibly due to societal norms or subconscious preferences. Height similarity may create a sense of balance and compatibility in a relationship.

We are attracted to individuals of similar height. Studies have found a positive correlation between the heights of couples, suggesting that taller individuals tend to end up with taller partners. Genetic factors have been found to influence mate choice in terms of height.

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7. The Color Red and Attractiveness:

I once wore a red dress to a social event, and I noticed that I received more attention from men compared to when I wore other colors.

The color red is associated with passion and arousal, influencing perceptions of attractiveness. Wearing red can signal confidence and draw attention, making individuals appear more attractive to others.

The color red makes women more attractive to men. Society’s association of the color red with passion has an impact on heterosexual men’s perception of attractiveness. Red has been shown to increase men’s judgment of women’s attractiveness.

8. Psychological Changes in Love:

When I fell in love for the first time, I experienced a whirlwind of emotions. I felt happier and more alive, and every interaction with my crush seemed to fill me with joy.

Falling in love triggers psychological changes such as increased happiness and heightened arousal. These changes are accompanied by physiological reactions like blushing and a racing heart, reflecting the intensity of romantic feelings.

Photo by Shardar Tarikul Islam on Unsplash

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Inside The Mind Of A Writer

"Exploring love & relationships. Providing advice, insights, and inspiration to inspire you to find & maintain healthy and fulfilling connections."