Photo By: Quinn Buffing

The Medium Marathon

Why I Keep Writing, Even When the Stats Aren’t Shining

You Are The Master of Your Destiny

Inside The Mind Of A Writer
2 min readOct 28, 2023


The last few weeks have been the most exciting in my short writing career on Medium. My articles have been breaking personal records left, right, and centre.

However, things have slowed down considerably this week and this slowdown has started affecting my motivation a little bit.

I’m sharing this post as a reminder to myself — of what happens when I act every day and how growth happens in short bursts.

If you are a beginner, losing motivation or feeling lost in your journey, I understand. I too am navigating these feelings regularly.

I hope this piece shows you my trajectory and clears all the negative emotions you might be momentarily experiencing.

Before the entrepreneurial bug bit me, I used to be a product manager.

I’ve worked with several prominent start-ups in India. Thanks to this experience, I’ve got a bit of a numerical bent.

As a result, I want to share my numerical data because numbers don’t lie and they are the most scientific indicator of what’s going on.

⬆️ Numbers from My Medium Dashboard

Let’s look at the numbers.

A Deep Dive

  • The Maximum claps my best article for the month has received has grown steadily.
  • Total monthly claps and average clap per article are also showing a steady growth trend.
  • The percentage of articles that haven’t experienced any engagement has gone down to 0% which means it’s taken me 9 months to reach engagement on every article I’ve posted this month.
  • 65% of my articles in the first 6 months didn’t see any engagement. It’s dropped to 3% in the last 3 months. A huge uplift. It means almost every article I post has an impact on one person at least.

While these numbers might mean nothing, I’ve found them to be an effective way to keep going.

Stopping now would mean, losing all this traction I’ve built with so much love and pain.

I guess this is the power of consistency and compounding.

This is a reminder that my destiny is in my hands.

The longer I show up, the farther I will go.


Get Up. Show Up. Take Charge.

Your action today will define your future tomorrow.

You’ve got this.

Reflect and you’ll most likely realize you’re stopping because of irrational thoughts.

I’m still learning new ways to stop coming in my own way.

Are you?



Inside The Mind Of A Writer

Prioritizing writing, experiments, failure and growth. Committed to write 365 days straight! Come say hi :)