Write here, there, everywhere

Don’t wait for that desert island fantasy

Diane Brander
Inside The Mind Of A Writer


Photo by Max Böhme on Unsplash

I’ve often pondered the premise of Desert Island Discs. If, by some random twist of fate, I ended up alone on an island, devoid of company and possessions, what records would I listen to? Which book would I take? And what other luxury item would I choose? The music selection is a task for another day. After all, I would probably have to be on a desert island in the first place to have the headspace to whittle down all the wonderful songs I’ve heard into a select few. Likewise, with a book — I can only take one? Jeez!

The luxury item is easier to pick. Alone with all the time in the world to do whatever I want to do, it’s a no-brainer. I’d have a huge stack of paper, or some kind of magical paper-refilling notebook with a pen attached to it, to stretch this to one item to fit within the rules of the game. I’d write. I already have music and a book, so I would sit and write my own stories to read another day. The point is, if there were few other things to do, I would write. There would be no distractions. Writing would be my lifeblood. I would have no reason to do it other than to write for enjoyment. What if it could be possible to capture this feeling immediately without being deserted on a tropical island? It is. Free yourself from distractions now. Allow yourself the luxury in your daily life…



Diane Brander
Inside The Mind Of A Writer

Scottish writer and runner. Curious about ways to boost health and performance through exercise and creativity. On a spiritual quest, whatever that means.