Your Only Obligation As a Writer is This.

Don’t forget to apply it.

Francisco Iglesias
Inside The Mind Of A Writer


Every time you publish an article for your audience to read, you have a responsibility to your audience. And that is to address the question for which people came to read you.

As simple as that.

And it’s obvious that you should know this, but…

  • How many times have you read an article to solve a question and found yourself reading the copy of a copy of a copy, always encountering the same solutions over and over again?
  • And you end up discouraged because it hasn’t solved anything for you?

This is too common, and there’s no need to blame anyone, but we must hold ourselves accountable when writing for our audience. The truthfulness of our words will make people who already follow us and have the habit of reading us, trust us again in every article we publish.

Writing solely for the sake of getting views, reads, and hence money, is not useful.

It’s better to receive money but at the same time provide value by solving a problem for the reader. And if a thousand people read it, it should absolutely solve the same problem for a thousand people.

And what would be the question that every writer would like to know the answer to?



Francisco Iglesias
Inside The Mind Of A Writer

I love writing and push limits with over 80 posts a month. Enjoy a free first month on Substack, plus collaboration . Read I am moving to Substack for details.