Beats Mind Movement is the Type of Community Programming that can make Toronto a True Music City

Cormac McGee
Inside the Music Den
4 min readOct 26, 2016
Juvon Taylor performing at the Beats Mind Movement Showcase

Backstage at the Rivoli, J Hoodi is nervous. The 18-year-old rapper is about to perform live for the first time. The crowd of about 75 people waiting on the other side of the curtain isn’t sure what to expect from Hoodi, and he’s not sure what he’s going to give them. He’s been working all summer on the songs he’s about to perform, but passed on earlier opportunities to try them live. He’s spent his time backstage talking with friends, trying to figure out how to react when he gets up there.

As he grabs the mic, he’s looking down, with the hood from his sweatshirt covering his head. He’s silent for a few moments, then looks up: “I’m gonna need ya’ll to throw some ones in the air for me like this,” he says, waving his index finger back and forth in the air. Instantly, dozens of fingers shoot up, and the crowd bounces along with him through his short set, cheering as he spits bar after bar, seemingly without a breath in between. By the end, he’s got a big smile across his face, thanking the crowd for their time.

“It felt pretty good,” he says after the show, still smiling. “I was trying hard to break out of my shell, and I think I got my nerves out.”

J Hoodi is one of 14 musicians who performed at the Rivoli as part of the Beats Mind Movement program showcase — the final act capping off a summer of work for these young artists honing their craft. Beats Mind Movement is a free initiative offered through UrbanArts Community Arts Council, in which young artists learn how to record and engineer audio, gain insight into the music business and record their own original songs.

Originally founded in 2006, the program has been delivered to hundreds of youth over the years and was recently redesigned to continue to reflect changes in the industry. UrbanArts hired Toronto hip hop legend Rich Kidd as program facilitator. They kept it free, but limited the number of participants, made each applicant audition, and UrbanArts purchased additional equipment needed for a professional studio in its Mount Dennis location. The philosophy is that by placing more focus on the specific needs of fewer, but more committed youth, they’ll have a better shot at creating lucrative careers in music.

“We formalized the program to benefit those who were pursuing music in a serious way,” explains Rich Kidd. “I want to help youths who are trying but may be a bit lost — I’m here to help them on a few steps in their journey.”

This is what attracted J Hoodi. He has long been passionate about rapping, but was lacking confidence. “I didn’t know if I was any good,” he says.

“When [J Hoodi] came in to audition, he didn’t have any songs to play, he just freestyled for me,” explains Rich Kidd. “When I heard him, I was like ‘Damn, you need to be in here.’”

“This was an amazing experience for me. Where I live, there’s not a lot of ways to help yourself,” says Hoodi, who lives a ten minute walk from the studio. “Helping people find ways to express themselves is important. Beats Mind Movement gave me lots of opportunities to do that, and has shown me how I can take music seriously”

Another key element added to the program this year was seminars hosted by industry veterans. Throughout the summer, students had the opportunity to learn from leaders like Kardinal Offishall, SOCAN’s Rodney Murphy and Mad Ruk Entertainment Executive Producer Mauricio Ruiz. These sessions were also open to applicants who weren’t accepted to the full program.

This was the most beneficial part of Beats Mind Movement for singer-songwriter Juvon Taylor. At 24 years old, he’s farther along in his career than some of the youth in the program who are trying to find their sound. “I’ve been making music. I need to figure out my business side,” he says. “For these people to come in and not only bless us with some knowledge, but give you their contact info and help point you in some directions is invaluable.”

For Taylor, Beats Mind Movement was a chance to connect with fellow artists and find new promotional strategies. “When my EP came out a year ago, I sent Rich Kidd a few emails asking him to listen. He never responded. This was my chance to show him and others in this industry that I should be taken seriously.”

While this cohort of Beats Mind Movement is ending, Rich Kidd is determined to keep alumni engaged. He’s opening up the studio on Fridays for them to come in and work on whatever they need to.

For most of the graduates, that means continuing to record and release music. “The program is a great base, but what matters now is what we go home and do with it,” says Taylor.

“A paycheque is important,” says Rich Kidd. “But these kids were chosen because their motives aren’t only materialistic. They want to be impactful with their music, to eventually be in a position where they can help others. They’re the ones who are ultimately going to make this industry better.”

A new cohort of Beats Mind Movement is starting in November. If you’re interested in applying, watch for the application at the UrbanArts website or Rich Kidd’s Twitter.

