Donald Trump’s social media presence

Inside the News Media
3 min readFeb 8, 2017

There are times when it can feel a bit exhausting to keep up with the news, as has been the case for me these last two to three weeks. When you have a lot on your plate, I think it’s quite natural to retreat sometimes and spend less time focusing your attention on the conflicts around the world. However, it’s still vital to keep up with the news and be aware of what’s going on, because obviously, ignoring these problems won’t just make them go away.

So I did keep up with the news, but since there was a plethora of surreal, although not entirely surprising, headlines worthy of discussion, I had a hard time deciding what I wanted to focus on in this week’s blog post. The developments around Trump’s cabinet have been a bitter pill to swallow. For instance, one would think that the U. S. educational system is flawed enough already, yet there comes along Betsy DeVos, who seems like a terrible choice when it comes to securing equal educational opportunities. But I honestly don’t want to talk about it, as it would just irk me too much right now.


Instead, I would like to focus on Donald Trump’s social media presence. I was unpleasantly surprised that by following the @POTUS account on Twitter, after the inauguration, I automatically became a ‘follower’ of Donald Trump. You can’t imagine how quickly I hit that unfollow button. But today, I want to take a look at Donald Trump’s other Twitter profile, @realDonaldTrump. I can’t quite wrap my mind around the strategy that Donald Trump pursues with his ‘personal’ Twitter account, or, in fact, if any thought whatsoever goes into his tweets. I would normally assume that important political figures let their PR team (or something similar) handle their social media accounts. But if that were the case with … President … Trump, I don’t see how they would have been able to survive in the business that long, because he seems to blather out whichever trivial thought just happens to enter his mind. Is he aiming to be perceived as approachable and fun by the public? Trump’s way of condemning the media and crying out FAKE NEWS (all caps is important, ask Donald) makes him appear like a sulky toddler. Yet at the same time, he’s trying to make U.S. citizens believe that he’s somehow going to build a wall without Americans having to pay one cent for it? Talk about hypocrisy.

I’d suggest to keep those tiny hands from typing in any more comments along the lines of ‘A lot of bad “dudes” out there!’, ‘the haters are going crazy’ and ‘I will study this dumb deal!’ A little tip, putting quotation marks around the word dude won’t magically make it sound any more eloquent. Trump’s tweets clearly don’t lend him any credibility and bespeak his unprofessionalism. Also, he seems to be under the impression that his personal account is just personal and not irreversibly linked to his office, which is what usually happens if one happens to be the president of the United States.

