6 things I’ve learned in the last semester

Cynthia Fett
Inside the News Media
2 min readJul 13, 2016
  1. There are several theoretical approaches to media. The (Neo-)Marxist approach seems to be the best one to describe nowadays news coverage. Noam Chomsky and Edward Herman developed the so-called propaganda model that “focuses on […] inequality of wealth and power and its multilevel effects on mass-media interests and choices.”
  2. The proverb “Cash is king” can be perfectly applied to news media. In the natural process of capitalism, small companies merge and seize together; that’s the way all those big agencies, like Springer or Bertelsmann grow. Will they end up having a monopoly on news coverage soon? We as consumers should interrupt this process.
  3. There seems to be a tendency that society loses interest in hard stuff and want to be entertained. That is why political talk shows were replaced by soap operas in the last decade.
  4. Be aware of your virtual activities on facebook! Be interested in the lives of your friends, but don’t give away too much personal information through liking, commenting and sharing pictures, news, tweets and co. Facebook algorithms are watching you and they will never forget anything!
  5. I don’t want to become a journalist! Poor salary, excessive working hours, bad social life, unconventional journalistic methods that cannot be reconciled with a good conscience.
  6. In future editors will have to ask themselves, if they will adhere to print newspapers or if they just publish the news digitally. Maybe they can think of printing it once a week or month for nostalgia purposes to not forget a medium that was great invention several decades ago.

