Alica V.
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 11, 2017


A day in the life of Donald J. Trump

So this is it. I am the president of the United States. Aah, this is great. I tell you what, this is the greatestet that I’ve ever felt, really though!

Don’t believe the media. They are just jealous of what I achieved. No, really though. All they do is tell lies and turn around whatever I say. They are liars! But it doesn’t matter because guess what? I am in charge now and I am going to make them pay! Some day I will.. I mean. They just fear me. Write these really long articles that no one ever finishes reading because they are boooring. Tweets are the new news, it’s a fact, look it up! You don’t need no stupid “journalist” anymore, some weird feminist lady who doesn’t her limits or even an immigrant who slowly tries to infiltrate our society with Muslim mind stuff. No, I can give you news clearly understandable and straight from the White House. My private White House even, my mind palace, the Taj Mahal of toilets. Obviously I renovated it after the Obamas left #allgoldeverything!

No but really, the other day, I read about this German politicians, they said some great stuff! In fact I might send them a FarmVille request, they seemed nice… well they call the press “lying press” and the word is like aaall over the place.. funnily in the media. And it’s true. They are!

People always say that I’m not educated enough to be president but I will show you that I can make America great again. Because I learned a lot about history and walls and immigrants and stuff.

There is this one politician, some Italian guy, great hair and skin, and he made Italy great again.. before some weak politicians came and destroyed his work. So, he, for instance, made tv in Italy great! He basically started tv channels there or something and it was awesome I mean imagine how all my devoted voters could follow my plans and ideas via tv.. so after the wall that will be the next really great thing I am going to start.

Until then rock on America! You made a great choice

