Inside the News Media
2 min readApr 26, 2016


I do not know what to write

Dear community,

I am supposed to write my very first blog entry with a minimum of about 200 words about anything in the world. I guess that is a little bit like when you are in a shoe store and can buy all the shoes you want, and all of a sudden you don´t know what to choose. I actually did make several attempts… my first was on an interesting video or article I saw about a couple that was supposed to be amusing but ended up rather, well, displaying how superficial our society has gotten. So I started writing about how people ponder on outward appearances and decide to use the internet to anonymously post B.S. about people they do not know. I mean, writing nasty things does not necessarily make you a better person either does it? But then again, … we are constantly confronted with such beauty ideals … too thick, too thin, too blue, too green… who can keep up?! Then I thought this was quite boring and, I don´t know, not really interesting enough for this kind of blog.

This then brought me towards thinking about this whole being anonymous on the internet thing. I mean, I find it kind of scary to know that everyone can write anything about me and that this can have serious consequences. Don´t you? Unless you are a computer crack there really is not any way to save yourself unless you don´t use social media which is virtually impossible as I have to write this blog and have had to sign up for Twitter just to complete a course. I am surprised at how fast this whole media, especially social media, has become a neccessity in every day life.

This makes me seem like a total anti-media person…. I do see the good things, like being able to communicate with people all over the world, faster and more easy then before. Oh! and who does not love Google? or Wikipedia?! Online shopping for everything you need… it makes life easier… but is easier better?

Well I guess this brings me about 350 words so I guess I am done for today… I promise my next blog entry will be qualitatively better then this one :)

