A Virtual Media Future?

Fleeting Expression
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 2, 2017

Since the inception of the internet the media landscape has been warped and changed significantly. News travel around the globe faster than ever. Everyone can produce news of a sort nowadays themselves too, as well as create their own photos and videos.

Obviously dealing with these changes is what most people and the vast majority of the media itself are focusing on (looking at printed newspaper being one of the better examples) but that’s not where it will end. Technology and human imagination are ever changing, what may seem conform yesterday is frowned upon tomorrow.

What was thought impossible becomes doable. Try imagining someone opening up his own news Agency back in 1950 with minimal financial resources. Nowadays anyone can make a website to spread his news. However you don’t even need your own website to that, there are plenty of platforms out there providing people with a stage and a potential audience.

Right now we are in the age of fake news, clickbaiting, alternative facts, meme lords and twitter war.

But how will that be in 3 years down the line? Will these things stand the test of time?

Or will something else enter the ring of public interest?

Could it possibly be;

Virtual Reality? Or in short VR.

While in the last few years VR has been more of a focus of gaming companies, I can it very easily find its place within the media. Its main purpose so far is for entertainment, allowing people to experience games first hand, but what about a concert at the other end of the world you’d otherwise never be able to attend to? What about being able to spectate a movie directly from within? Or how about being able to witness news, or any event around the world from a first person perspective.

I would imagine that there is quite a few people interested in that, in fact I’d imagine some people to view it as a New age version of the Roman Circus Maximus if it was able to view any event around the world. Or would it maybe open the eyes of the people to the suffering around them more, since hearing about a war is quite different from actually witnessing it.

Anyway only time will tell and I hope I’ll be able to witness some more changes within the media consumption of humanity (hopefully for the better)

