After Inside the News Media

Ana Prieto Rodríguez
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 10, 2017

I have to say that this semester went by in the twinkling of an eye. It has already been four months in which I had to get used to a lot of new things for me: a new, hard and strong language, the low temperatures of Germany, the fact that in December at 4:30 p.m. it was already dark (I have to confess that that was the most difficult for me) a new type of food, and also a new type of classes and a very VERY different way of teaching.

And now at the end of the semester, and focusing on the subject of Inside the News Media, I really get surprised about the way that this subject was address. I really liked the fact that different opinions of so different topics emerged in every class and also that we could talk about so actual and current issues, although I have to say that my previous knowledge about the media was null, this subject make me change my mind and really question myself about what I was reading.

There were some topics that really impact me and that I’ve never thought about before. One of them was the way advertisers managed to place their announcements depending on our searches and on our preferences through algorithms, I’ve never thought it before. Another class that I really enjoyed was the one about fake news. I was already aware of that type of news but I thought it were less frequent than it really is.

Now that this subject is almost finished, I am aware of the different view that I had before starting it. I thought It would be rather theoretical than so practical, and I really prefer this way of learning.
Being this the first time that I had written a post or that I had analyzed a newspaper or a news, I have to say that this subject made me be more interested in the media and in how it really work. I expect from this first contact with the media not to be the last one!

