Sarah Herzog
Inside the News Media
2 min readFeb 8, 2017


All Good Things…

…come to an end. I marked this course as my first choice during the registration phase in Jogustine — first, because I already had a seminar with Geoffrey and really loved it, and second, because it was a completely different topic than all the others I already had discussed in Cultural Studies seminars here at university. And I can say, it was the right choice! Not only that I really had fun during the seminar (I took so many notes which YouTube concerning videos I must rewatch or names I have to look for…), it also gave me a new perspective on news in the media. As I will be an English teacher, it was an important impulse to deal with that topic at school later and (hopefully) to create an atmosphere like in the seminar: excited about the topic which is as actual as it can be, with good discussions and really lots of fun!

What I did not expect as well was the fact that I really liked the task of writing blog posts. I have never done that before, I was used to academic writing of course, but having so much freedom concerning the way I write and the topic I chose was completely new for me. But thinking about my future profession again, I think that students at school really would like to do the same thing — and as Medium is freely accessible and digital media and the internet are always catchy for kids, I will definitely keep it in my mind and hopefully I will get the chance to use it with a class! The main issue is that there is nothing wrong about the chosen topics and one’s opinion about it, it is just about formulating your thoughts in English and writing them down, so I really hope that this will encourage students to utter themselves freely and with no scruples.

Thank you, Geoffrey! Thank you for two seminars here in Mainz I had the chance to attend. Thank you for your energy and humor, and thank you for a lot I got the chance to learn in your classes! I wish you all the best…

