An unamerican American

Sarah Herzog
Inside the News Media
2 min readJan 31, 2017

At the moment, it is quite exciting (in a negative way) to look up the latest news in Germany at breakfast time. What new great ideas did Donald Trump have while Germany and the rest of Europe had been sleeping?? And in the last days, I have not been disappointed — at least it does not become boring! But seriously: what the f*** is happening in the USA?

I mean, do we really have to accept that this guy can do whatever he wants? I can understand that people are afraid to lean up against him and do not dare to say what they think, but there are so many of those who are against these discriminating immigration orders. I always want to shout: be strong together! At least a few do resist, but for example Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates has to take immediate consequences for her bravery. This is so sad. America, the country of freedom and tolerance, the country in which every man and every woman can live however he or she wants, the country where everybody is welcome (at least the Statue of Liberty says so), where have you gone? Or better, where have you let yourself be forced to?

I have always had mixed feelings about Americans that do not hesitate to utter how much they love their country and how proud they are to be American, but nowadays I would wish to hear that much more often in the context of critique. People, stand up for what you always were proud of standing for! Be more American than you have ever been! You have to lean up against that truly unamerican American, who negates all of your virtues you always held up.

It does not only affect you within your country, it also changes the way the rest of the world looks at you. You may have been a bit too American, a bit too patriotic — but now is the time to be as patriotic as you can. Even president Obama reacts to what is happening, even he wants you to protest and to make your voice heard. Now it is about you…

