Inside the News Media
2 min readApr 24, 2016


Angela Merkel: “Chances Bigger than Risks”

I’m not into politics to a great extent, unless it comes to environmental or health issues. I think I am very sensitive regarding this and I just cannot help it. So (what a surprise) I am against TTIP.

All those reasons, why Merkel and Obama are in favour of it, do not appeal to me at all. According to an article from yesterday on , Merkel says that the TIPP will “define worldwide standards”. What kind of standards does she mean when it comes to agriculture?

The TIPP is being controversially discussed in the press because of GMO food. I do not want GMO food. The moment we get the TTIP, we will automatically get GMO food. One might say “But GMO food has to have a label and everybody can decide themselves to buy and eat it or not”. I agree completely with this statement, but we do not know enough about its consequences for human health. And unless science has not found out, I just do not see the reason why we should have it in our supermarkets.

Their main arguments are “TTIP decreases unemployment” and “TIPP boosts the economy”. I cannot see how these arguments weigh up against human health! For me the risks are higher than chances.

Simply speaking — I am pretty scared of these changes and I do not want it. That is why I cannot agree to TIPP. Another discussion that comes along with that is the question of democracy — Why do we not have a referendum on it? But this would be a topic to look at in another post.

What’s your opinion on this issue? Are you in favour of the TTIP or are you against it?

