Climate change loses the elections.

Ana Prieto Rodríguez
Inside the News Media
3 min readNov 9, 2016

People in the whole world are still assimilating the US elections results. The choice that the US citizens made the last 8th of November not only affects his country, but also almost the whole world and in a big amount of important issues, like the one which I want to talk about: The climate change.

We all know that, even nowadays, there are people who think that the climate change is a myth, only a lie or an invention. They believe that what is happening to the environment is natural and that we are not responsible of it. But the worst thing about the existence of this belief is that the actual president of the US is one of the supporters of this idea.

This is not surprising, we were advised about the ideology of both electors in countless articles on the media, we knew that for the president the climate change was a ‘hoax ‘.Nevertheless, Donald Trump’s ideas about the climate change will do nothing to improve the actual situation. We have to keep in mind that the US is one of the biggest polluting countries of the world and the second country in carbon emissions. So if you think about it, these types of ideology leathering a country like the US does not give you hope in the future of the environment.

And the fact that proves this is that Trump is planning to drop out of one of the most powerful commitment, the Paris Agreement. This is an international association of countries (55 countries which represent the 55% of global emissions) which wants to reduce the carbon emissions and, instead of them, begin to use renewable sources so that they can avoid dangerous climate change. Between the members of this association it is the US, but Donald Trump doesn’t want to cooperate. He promised cancelling this agreement if he was elected, and without the supporting of the US, this association will end like the Kyoto accord.

Climate change can’t wait for anyone, the global warming, the melt of the poles and the rise of the sea level are big problems now that will become bigger over the years. Maybe people at the United States aren’t aware of this, or maybe they don’t mind, but their choice, literally, will affect the entire world.


