“Crybaby-Alert”- is Complaining and Offending the New Form of Digital Debate?

Marie Jost
Inside the News Media
2 min readNov 27, 2016

Especially in the past few years with the exponential popularity of social media platforms the way of discussion has changed. Today the main place for debate is the internet, which provides an environment for friendly and social exchange of ideas, but also as it seems a setting for offensive and hateful arguments.
That does not mean, that there is no critical communication among people outside the world of social media, but one has to admit, that this has become increasingly rare. It has not vanished however, when looking into the comment sections below pictures and articles on Facebook or videos on YouTube, one witnesses vivid discussions, lively debates from all over the world. That is exactly what those platforms are for, right? To exchange ideas, state opinions and to share them with kindred spirits- in a friendly and respectful way. But that is not always the case, it seems that most of the time, people are arguing, downright fighting and even insulting each other. Everyone is offended by anything and crybabies are everywhere. A perfect example are the comments on the left about Rügenwalder Mühle expanding their vegetarian program .

The anti-vegetarian Facebook-user does not get violent or aggressive, but resorts to calling his opponents “supporters of a fascist ideology” and even draws parallels to Hitler and his regime.

With the possibility to share ideas with pretty much anyone and by receiving reactions, many feel encouraged to do so. That is not a negative aspect, but once people share hateful ideas and find like-minded opinions, critical debates turn into avalanches of bullying and disrespecting. The (physical) space and distance which the internet provides between people and their different views creates a wall of safety, behind which haters and bullies can hide.
Another reason for this trend of arguing is, that social platforms provide a good opportunity to just vent and let all the hatred and frustration out, that accumulates over the day. So the reasons for this negative turn are evident, but one cannot say, that this is the only form of discussion whether we are talking about the internet or non-digital life. Yes, there are many examples out there and some columnists talk about “Heulsusen-Alarm” and yes, the complaining, offending, insulting certainly increased, but it is still not the main form of debate on social media.

